Another reason I haven't written in a while is because i honestly haven't felt like it. I have felt discouraged and like a failure for the Lord. He really helped me at camp but when I got back home it was like the devil just pushed me down. That's what he does best is knock us down and tell us we are nothing and will never be anything for the Lord.
That's what he's been telling me, and I've been listening to him. I fail him (the Lord). That's all i can say is I fail the Lord greatly everyday. For a few weeks I felt like..."what's the point? I can't do it. I just can't." But I am so glad God can and WANTS to change our attitude and heart when we feel worthless. I've felt like just giving up (and kinda still do) but something in me say's I can't. I think about first my brother's and my little sister and what they would think of me and how it would disappoint them. Next I think about the 8 girls in the GLAM class and then I thought about the 3 little boys in my sunday school class. They all matter! And God has allowed me to have a part in each of their lives for a reason..and i don't want to make a negative impact. What if one of them quits because i quit? I don't want that to happen. I want them all to know God is real and I want to do right so maybe one day they will too. I wonder alot if anyone ever looks up to me, if I am making a mark in life, If I am making a difference...i really don't know if I am, but If i am in any way I just want to make a
good difference and make a
good mark. If someone looks up to me I want it to be for because I am doing right! Our lives either point people to God or lead people away from God. I also thought about the Lord and how good he's been and how he has never once let me down! Something I've done but shouldn't have is look at people and not God...i've had some people let me down recently and that can be very disheartening! Although I might feel like giving up sometimes, I know it is way to hard to keep something as big as God hidden and act like he's not there.
Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. ~Jeremiah 20:9
Like I just said i've been struggling. I've felt like i am in between a rock and a hard place but God is always there and he knows how to help me out! I was driving home tonight and the Lord let me realize something that helped me alot. Even Adam and Eve who were perfect SINNED. God made them in his image which meant they were perfect yet Eve still sinned. They were like God, but they weren't God of course. They did not have sinful natures...they chose sin! I thought about that and I thought about how God still loved them the same amount as he did before they had sinned. Yes they were punished because we all reap what we sow but God still loved them the same! I on the other hand was born a sinner. Sinning is in my blood!!! i am a sinner. that's what i am. that's what we all are. Yet I am saved. But just because I'm saved doesn't mean I am perfect....I still sin. I still make mistakes. I still break his heart just as much now as I did before he saved me.I get so down on myself because I want to be perfect and not let him down!But I realized he understands when I mess up and he loves me nonetheless. God knows what I am...he kows I'm human; and humans are far far far from perfect! I beat myself up alot and feel like a failure because I let him down so much but God reminded me He doesn't drop us on the curb when we let him down. I am learning that God is sooo different than me! His ways are so different than mine. His thinking is the opposite of mine.(my fav verses--Isaiah 55:8,9 kjv) I pick the best. I want the very best I can get but I don't want to pay anything for it. God on the other hand picks the Worst he can find and paid the highest price that could be paid. He paid everything for something that was and still is nothing. He NEVER changes, never once has and never ever will. I am constantly changing. I don't know if anyone reading this will understand it but it makes sense to me lol He wanted me even in knowing all the times I'd fail him. His love is limitless and his forgiveness is infinite!!
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.~Hebrews 13:8
Don't let the rotten devil discourage you like he has me. God is still the same God today as he was the day he saved you! He forgave you then and he promises he will forgive again. He never changes :)) We must get our eyes off others, our failures, our problems etc. and keep them on the Lord!
hope this wasn't a complete scattered mess lol just wanted to share how he helped me.
~later alligator!