

It's ThUrSdAy!*

So my last post was telling about the Youth meeting we were about to have at was great! i think we had about 150 show up (which was good considering there was a home clemson game that day). Bro Andy Wells preached out of Ecclesiastes. He talked about how most people search the whole world and never find what they are looking for. Most people don't een know what they are trying to find. There is a hole in each of us that only Jesus Christ the Lord can fill! I am glad if we come to him we will no longer need to search for that missing piece. I read in the Young Lady in Waiting book that only Jesus can complete you...i've remembered that and thought about it over the past year. I used to think once i graduate college, or get married than i would be complete but that won't happen. Completion only comes through getting to know the Lord and falling in love with him. I am glad i HAVE found what I'm looking for! His name is JeSuS <3 <3

Last Wednesday night we traveled to Sunnyside Freedom Baptsit church in Westminister SC. we had quite an adventure getting there! on the way home we went all the way into Georgia ! lol My daddy preached there. i am still amazed at what God has done in his heart. I felt so blessed seeing him behind the pulpit preacheing God's Word! He preached out of john 3 about "what I see when I look to the cross." It was good! I did something that night i haven't done before...I sang 2 specials with my sister! She sings at church but i don't (i do just in the chior.) i was pretty scared! but the Lord held my hand:) We found out last night, one of the little girls that was there got saved, during the service last night. praise the Lord!

Tuesday night was our last night of G.L.A.M.until january 2013. I sure will miss it until January! it isn't even really for me yet it has helped me so much! I wish I could have been taught the things we have learned when I was a young teen.

Last night which was wednesday we had church of course. I totally didn't feel like going because i was so tired and had homework but I went because I hate to miss church for any reason. In my book going to church when it's church time is just one little way i can please the Lord for all he's done for me! well I am sooo glad i went because my preacher preached about mary and martha! Mary is one of my most favorite ladies of the Bible. i look up to her and I want to be someone who stays at the feet of Jesus. I love learning more about those sisters. martha was destracted but mary was devoted to Jesus. it is so easy to get caught up in the things we have to do and over look the Lord and time alone with him. I'll be honest I don't read my Bible everyday, sometimes I just completely overlook it and when I finally get to bed at night I feel bad and sad about it. The Devil will do anything and everything in his power to keep us from the Word. My preacher says busy means: Being Under Satan's Yoke. It seems like God has been putting an emphasis on keeping our eyes on HIM. When we spend time with God in his word we get power and we become strong through the Lord. Alone the devil can defeat anyone but with God and his strength the devil can NOT win. Martha can't accomplish anything without the Lord's help. And neither can we. Preacher Shem said, "you can't be much of a martha if you ain't a mary." The Lord really helped me last night and I am soo thankful he did! he is so good to me and I am so undeserving of HIM.

on another note: here are 2 recipes I made... 1. Tater tot casserole. i made this last tuesday night...i've made this many many times and i love it!! it's really easy to make too. you need hamburger, a can of mushroom soup, cheese, worcestershire sauce, tater tots, and cheese. The duggar's eat tater tot casserole too!
 brown the meat, then drain, then mix in dish with the can of mushroom soup.
pour the worcestershire sauce on meat and soup.
 I like to add a lil cheese on the meat and then put the tots on top.
 then put cheese on top. put tin foil over it. cook for 40-60 minutes
(until tots are cooked and cheese is melted.)
2. Here is a desert i made tuesday'll need croissant rolls (in can)
and apple slices, and brown sugar and cinnamon

 my mom told me how to make's real easy. we used pie filling apples.

 place one or two apples on rolls add sugar and cinn. then roll up.
 put some butter over the top.
cook and enjoy with vanilla ice cream...I thought it tasted like apple pie :))

My mind has been so blank lately. School has me clueless! lol I am praying about somethings to post about, so don't forget about my blog :) I hit 800 views this week!! Well off to school soon. Tonight I am going to a Bible study at Clemson university with 2 of my friends from school. Sure am thankful the Lord allowed me to meet some christian friends at school!!

thank the Lord tomorrow is FrIdAy!! :)


youth meeting:))

hey everyone, happy saturday! :)) We are getting ready to go to a Youth Meeting my church is having today. praying God will do great and mighty things (Jer 33:3). Bro Andy Wells will be preaching and his youth chior will be singing! i have been looking forward to it all week. I am glad there are still a few young people who truly have a heart for God and would rather go to church on a saturday than a game (clemson is playing today.) or anyplace else. I would choose God's house over anything on a saturday. how sad it is that many people won't even choose God's house on sunday morning...they'd rather be at the lake or sleep-in. if you have this attitude i would check up and make sure you have the real thing! well ttyl:)


This n' that {thursday #1}*

hey yall, i'm gonna try and start doing some new stuff on my blog...I saw on another blog this awkward and awesome thing so I am going to try it too. Hopefully it will be funny to my readers too!:) Also I want to start putting some recipes on here. I am curently trying to learn to cook, so i want to keep record of what i learn and place it on my blog. I will still be writing about the Lord of course! Sometimes I have no clue what to write so I just don't write for a while until God gives me something. I want this blog to be an encouragement to someone! i have had some people write and tell me that they are enjoying it and that sure makes me happy. I started this blog because I felt like God wanted me to and I have enjoyed it so much! My daddy said this is a ministering tool so I don't want to take it lightly by no means. My goal is to write everyday but honestly i don't have much time with school and all. I am lucky if I get to write every 2 or 3 weeks lol but hopefully soon things will slow down and I will be able to write more. But like i said earlier I want to add some fun stuff too! I might just do the fun stuff only on Thursdays...What do yall think about that? Do yall (my readers) have any ideas or things you would like to see on my blog?? i am open for suggestions. Also i am wanting to start doing posts on topics from the Bible. I just really want to write what God wants me too! I think for November and maybe the ending of October I will write something I am thankful for each day. November is the time to give thanks so that's what I want to do! I have kept a grateful journal this year and i have had a great time with it! It doesn't matter whats going on in your life there is always something to be thankful for!

awkward. -when you walk into the bathroom at school and there is a giantly tall person that looks just like a guy and your heart stops because you think you walked into the guys bathroom...
-When you are sitting at a funeral and the lady to your left is snoring...with her eyes open.
-When you learn that the Braves are indians and their mascot is named knockahoma...and you thought knockahoma is a real indians name. (knock-a-home-ah)*

awesome. -getting a long weekend because your teacher cancels class for tomorrow!!
- Jesus and his grace. :) -breakfast for supper! -Watching an emu stop traffic both ways on the news...they said "he was lost in the middle of rush hour traffic." LOL
-Romney winnin' that debate last night!!! ~Romney for President 2012~

Verse for today:) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.-John 14:1 kjv
I heard this verse at the funeral my mom and I went to today. I like the first part...let not your heart be troubled. I let things bother me alot. i let things hurt me that shouldn't. If you believe in God you don't have to be troubled about anything. I heard preacher Barry Rackley say, "your discouragements reveal your encouragements." if our priorities are straight we won't be as troubled about things. things that matter and things that don't matter. Look past everyone, everything and your problems and you will see Jesus!

Here is dinner #1 (not the first time i've ever cooked fyi lol) Tuesday night I made Taco Salad for dinner. At the Roberts house we love this dinner! and it is really are some pictures.

this is what we put in the salad...also hamburger meat.
We sometimes get turkey instead of hamburger because it is healthier.
Cook the meat.

drain it. then add the taco seasoning.

finished product. just mix it all together and chow down :)
we love tomatoes but we didn't have any :(
This dinner is fast and easy and tastes great. You don't have to use doritos, some people just eat it with plain tortilla chips and some people use salsa instead of thousand island dressing. We like spinach but you can also make it with plain lettuce as well.



what is your hope in?

I have been meditating on hope. What is it? Where does it come from? What can it do for you and I?
I see hope as a combination of faith and trust mixed together. Hebrews 11:1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is believing without seeing and trusting is waiting even if you aren't totally sure what you're waiting on.
What do I have my hope in? What do you have your hope in?
I know I have my hope in Jesus Christ the Savior for my salvation but do I put all my hope in him at ALL times. I say the phrase "i sure hope so" alot. "I hope this car will hurry up and turn" or "I hope I am not late for class" "I hope I can..." etc. I heard a preacher on WTBI say that americans (most) have no idea what it is to put their faith in God. I think what we pour ourselves into is what we hope for. Some people pour themselves into making the most money, having the biggest muscles, getting people to like them etc. i guess what's had me thinkin' on this is because we are getting ready to have another election...I'll just go ahead and say i'm voting for Mitt Romney, because ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING is better than what we've got right now!! like i said a few sentences above I believe we pour ourselves into what we hope for and I've seen what most people are hoping for...A president to SAVE them! I have seen pictures all over FB, and articles in the papers showing all these "HOPEFUL" people waving flags, raising there hands, smiling big, acting like he is the best thing since cracker jack.I realized people have got it backwards. My King James Bible says,  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.~ Psalm 118:8. Why are we looking for a man to fix our economy and problems when there is none. Obama said he could...Obama's slogan 4 years ago was that he was "hope for America", "change we can beieleve in." America was/is SO lost that she believed it! If we would get back to the Book and place and keep our faith, hope and trust in JESUS CHRIST, america would be changed...changed for the better. hope in man can fail, man can break his oath, man can just mess up even accidentally but God's word stands true forever and always! Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.~ Matthew 24:35.  People think a new president can turn our country around. I know one person can change things drastically. Romney can't fix all of this, but God can.

We want things to be different and we want things to get better but noone wants to go to the place help is found, people want hope but they don't want anything to do with the source of true hope. They want hope and help yet want nothing to do with God or Jesus. We can't make it on our own. I wish, no...I hope people will open their eyes and start searching for true hope.

I love this song...My Hope is Built:
My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

Chorus:On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

When Darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, his covenant, his blood
supports me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay.

When he shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found!
Dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne!

What is your hope in? Lets get back to leaning on Jesus!

-megan :)

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