

Attitude of gratitude and hand turkeys

Since yesterday was thanksgiving I wanted to write about what I am thankful for...words can't tell all I have and no longer have all because of Jesus. I had a nice thanksgiving with my family and hope all my readers did as well. My daddy had to work yesterday so we ate later than we normal would but all in all we had a great day. I wanted to write this yesterday but didn't get to. 

Each year we try to do something to tell what we are thankful for. We've done a thankful tree a few years, thankful journals, one year we just went around the table and told what we were thankful for but this year I wanted us to do something funny and show our creative we each did a hand turkey! It was really fun and funny! My poor daddy thought turkeys had 4 legs ;))) we had a great laugh at that!  I got a few pictures. Enjoy.
 My daddy's *notice the legs lol!

 Mine...and yes I did draw a cupcake!
 My brother Josh's hand turkey...he drew 4 legs too lol
 My bro Caleb' moma added some details to it lol
 My brothers friend hunter joined us for thanksgiving dinner...this is his turkey. He looks like a vicious turkey lol
 My sister mandalyn's turkey
My moms turkey...she writes so neat!

We had fun drawing these and then reading them aloud. As you can tell we have so so much to thank The Lord for! He has been way to good to me. Just the fact that I had a family to eat thanksgiving dinner with yesterday makes me more blessed than most! I kept thinking of more to write on my turkey. Last year I heard a preacher say "thinking turns to thanking". If you think about it you always have something to thank The Lord for.  

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks:for this is the will of 
God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name,
make known his deeds among the people.

Thanksgiving day is over but God wants us to give thanks each and every day. Don't get to caught up with buying Christmas presents and forget what it's really about. Don't forget to thank Him for...the good, the bad, the yes's, the no's, in every thing give's his will and he works all things for your good. 😊

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