

When things don't go our way

  I have been doing a read through the Bible in a year program; right now I'm reading about the children of Israel as they journeyed along. 
I noticed (like I always do when reading this part) how much they complain! It get on my nerves how they doubt God and turn from him so quickly and easily just because they are thirsty or hungry or whatever... Here I am complaining about their complaining :-) lol... Anyways this morning I was reading Numbers 21. 

In verse 4 it says, And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom:and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.

That "much discouraged" stood out to me! First let me say that just a few verses before this one they had prayed for victory in a battle and God gave it to them. There was "utter destruction" at Hormah that day. Despite the victory somehow they became discouraged. They were tired, doubtful and ready to give up. Did you notice that they walked along the side of the Red Sea...that's the same Sea that God parted for them so they could walk across on dry ground, the same sea where God killed all the Egyptians who were after them. The Sea they traveled across the night they were freed from the bondage they had in Egypt.

It says they were discouraged because of the way. It says in chapter 20 they wanted to pass through Edom but the people of Edom wouldn't allow them so they had to go a different way around. 

We always want to take the easiest route. Be in the fast lane. Take the drive thru. We do not want to wait for anything. When we do we get upset. I know I would have been upset too if I were there. They had to turn around and go a completely different way. I'm sure it took twice as long if not longer. The bible says they were "much" discouraged. They forgot somethings... They got mad at God in the next verse. They blamed Moses. How often do we get mad at God and those who love us when things don't go OUR WAY?

If things aren't going the way you planned or the way you thought they would/should...ask yourself the next few questions.

How do we forget the blessings of God? How do we forget all the times he has provided? How do we forget all the times he has met the need? How do we forget his faithfulness? How do we forget that Jesus died for us?How do we forget all the times we have seen his glory? How do we forget all the victories he has given us? How do we forget that day he parted the Red Sea for us and we walked safely on the dry ground? How do we forget the "works of God" (Psalm 78:7)?

Psalms 103:2-5
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits:
 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;
who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;
so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

The truth is we forget. Just like the Israelites. We forget what God has done. We doubt God. We throw in the towel. We pout when things don't seem to go our way. We feel like God has forsaken us. All this happens because we put our eyes on the problem and not the problem solver. 

If we're going to make it in this world we have to keep looking to God! Everytime I do things my way, I fall. Everytime I put my eyes on someone else they let me down. We should strive to follow God so closely that when the WAY changes we don't even notice. Just keep watching those footsteps in front of you. If you fall get back up. Stop forgetting and start reminding yourself...Jesus always cares and he is always there! Remember his ways are not our ways! (Is 55:8)
I painted this a few months ago...I'm so glad He works in ways we cannot see ❤ it might seem like a crazy way to you, but Gods way is always the best way!

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