We are pressured so much to have a boyfriend at such an early age. Even kids in kidergarten are "going out" with each other. Most kids have their FIRST KISS in K-4!!! Schools have dances where preteens are "supposed" to ask someone to the dance or they are a nerd. In high school It is all about the PROM and oh my goodness if you don't get asked to prom you are just the scum of the earth and a major loser...(i'll just stop for a minute and say i did NOT GO TO PROM because It is worldly and I do not want to see guys and girls in their immodest dresses who think they are in love {when really they are just in lust} making out and hanging all over each other out on the dance floor. ANd i won't even get started on what happens afterwards!! I believe God doesn't approve of PROM so neither do I) It is like the world measures a persons worth by how many people a person has slept with or dated...how messed up!
Growing up I never had many guys "like" me..i guess it was because I wasn't really like any of the other girls. I tried to be modest because for one my mom taught me that it was right and secondly I wanted to look different, because I was different. I did have a few though...I remember when I was in 6th grade (my 2nd yr in middle school (the school i went to started middle school in 5th grade)) a boy in 5th grade (lol) "asked me out" and I told him I would let him know the next day what my answer was. I went home and asked my mom if i could have a boyfriend and she said NO! so I obeyed and told him i wasn't allowed. I truly believe, that rule my parents inforced helped keep me from messing my life up by messing with the wrong boys. SOOO here I am today, less than 2 weeks away from turning 20 years old and i have still NEVER had a boyfriend. But I thank the Lord he spared me and after getting closer to him since I got saved I now see that HE protected me and he didn't let those worldly boys i went to school with take interest in me. I am glad God gave me parents that didn't let me do whatever I wanted but tried there best to make me do what was right. And I now know the right thing to do is...WAIT ON THE LORD.
Most girls today try and get as many boyfriends as they can. They dress like they are for sale just to get attention from guys. sorry but that is not the kind of attention I want!! I want a man that will treat me like a lady. Most girls want to know ALL the fish in the sea and then they will "know" which one is their soulmate. I totally disagree with that logic! This world is HUGE and I know i can not find "my Boaz" (that is what I call him ;)) on my own so back in January of this year after reading an amazing book that changed my views on some things greatly (called Young Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones) I told the Lord I would not "look" I put it all in HIS hands because I've learned He really does know best. Elisabeth Elliot said, "Do nothing." and that is what I am doing. I am not searching for my Boaz and I am not trying to "figure" out how it will happen...I am just waiting and I am just praying. I am trying my best to let God do with me what he wants because I know I will never be a good helpmeet without him working on me and helping me.
I have a list I made i call it my "Boaz List." It is a list of the qualities I want my Boaz to have. I got the idea from the book I told about a few paragraphs above... Here it is:
- Spirit filled Christian (Eph 5:18)
- Jesus is #1 in his heart and life (Mark 12:30)
- Teachable (Psalm 143:10)
- God fearing (Proverbs 1:7)
- Broken; knows how to totally rely on Jesus (Phil 4:13, Psalm 55:22)
- Ministry minded; a good steward. Wherever he is, he is available for Christ (1 Corinthians 4:2)
- Burdened for lost souls; has a vision (Romans 10:14)
- Sensitive spirit; bears others burdens, sees others needs and cares (Gal 6:2)
- Faithful and responsible to God and me his future wife (Eph 5:25-31)
- Humble (James 4:10)
- Man of prayer; he knows the key to success is his private time with God (Col 4:2)
- Family man; he desires to have kids and raise them properly for God's glory. (Prov 22:6)
I keep this list set out in my room on my dresser so I see it a lot and reminds me not to notice the wrong kinds of guys.
I am praying for him, my future husband.
I have a book called Praying for your future husband. My awesome moma got it for me a few months ago. It was good and quite helpful. It has many chapters of things to pray for, for your FH. Contentment, commitment, to be a God lover, trust, patience, good friendships etc.. I always thought it was dumb to pray for someone you don't even know...but the Lord showed me otherwise. It is important to pray. We never know what a person might be facing. There are many stories in the book about ladies praying for their FHs and then after they are married they find out around the same time they were praying their husbands were going through hardships, sickness, and other difficult times. I do not know who my future husband aka my "Boaz" is but God does and he knows exactly who the prayer is for!
I pray for my FH and I also pray for one other young man...well he is kinda my crush i guess you could say lol ((and might I add he is a definately a Boaz)). A while ago he, suprisingly (not saying his name lol) showed some interest in me and we talked some but nothing else has happened. but anyways I got my hopes up (stupid me) about him and then I was pretty devestated when nothing happened, so for weeks i prayed God would let me move on and forget about him. I prayed that SOO much but it didn't happen... But one night while praying and asking the Lord to help me to move on and just forget him it felt like God said "just pray for him." So that is what I have been doing.I pray for him everytime i think about him. I read in a book that just because a guy actually is a true Boaz doesn't mean he is "your" Boaz. That is hard to swallow considering there are not many good guys left. But God might have told me to pray for him because he might just need a prayer warrior and i am happy to be that for him.
*Remember God makes no mistakes and his way and plan is perfect and nothing is too hard for him. He has someone out there made just for me and he has someone out there made just for you too. Don't give up and don't give in to the dating pressures of the world. Wait on God and you won't be sorry. In GLAM we learned to place your heart in God's hands and he will keep it safe and he will give it to the right person for you!!
I know this is scattered like always lol but I hope it will help someone. like I wrote about the other day: God is enough. He will help us wait because his grace is enough. Just trust him and lean on him :)))
The Lord has given you a great ministry in your blog. This may be what His purpose is for you while you wait! I waited for almost 6 years (after the wrong one & God got a hold of me) for my husband and prayed for him as you are, and praise the Lord we will be married for 10 yrs this May! Over the years I now see why there was a wait and how the Lord was working in both of our lives to get us to where He wanted both of us-even so that we could be where He wanted us so we could meet! God has placed this desire for His godly choice in your heart & rest assured He will fulfill it! I will be praying for you too!:)
ReplyDeleteYou are so right! His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours, his plans don't even compare to ours :)thank you for the encouragement and prayers!! You are a blessing! :)