So, how does my blog look?? I worked hard on it! and i like how it turned out. Still might make a few changes later. All the layout stuff is confusing! lol
We have been having a super fun week! Got to go to NC and spend 2 nights(last week) with my cousins!!! We were so happy to see them because we hadn't seen them since last June. My brothers, sister and I have always been close to our doesn't matter how long it's been since we've seen each other or talked we can always pick right back up where we left off. Wish we didn't live 4 hours from each other :( We traveled there because our great, great aunt JoAnn had a mild heart attack and was in the hospital. Thank the Lord she is doing better and was discharged Friday. My lil cousin Taylor aka Fluffy as my daddy calls her ;) came home with us. She has been here since Friday night. It has been very fun to have her with us.
Tuesday nights=G.L.A.M. :)) We finished up Purity and started the next lesson: "1-3-9 The Perfect Combination." Not really sure what the 1-3-9 stuff means (?) lol. I wanted to write about something that it seems like today has been emphasised all day for me! Earlier today my mom asked my sister, "When are you going to be Manda?" and we watched a movie about being who you are not who your parents or the world tells you to be. And then we learned about being yourself at G.L.A.M.. I remember that saying that went around facebook forever (not sure where it came from though) was, "me get like you? no, you get like me." But the thing is no one should be "getting" like anyone else but their ownself! I remember in school when the teacher would say if everyone looked the same, the world would be such a boring place. I agree with that. It should be harder to be someone your not than it is to be yourself. Sadly, with the way it is today it is easier to be what your not than to be "you."
It is so easy to get caught up with what everyone else is doing, saying, or wearing. I think most people act in ways so others will accept them because deep down they have never truly accepted who they are. The world constantly screams that all girls need to be a size 2 to be beautiful and it yells that if we want to be accepted we must do what's "in" and if you are single, you are nothing. But none of that is true...
When you start being you, it won't matter what others might say. You are worth more than what you have or don't have, you are more! Don't let people degrade you when you stand out...that's called boldness,doing right with confidence and not caring what others think . You can't please everybody so you might as well please yourself and the Lord!
I love that new Nick movie called Rags...Charlie the main character tells Katie, "just be you." Just be you. Figure out who you are and do that not what the magazine says but what your heart says.
I am one of those people who have pretty much always stood out and never really fit in. It used to bother me a lot but I've realized i'm different and I am okay with that. God didn't make me (or you) to fit in. We are made as an original. You are an original and I am too. There will never be another Megan Rachelle Roberts. That makes me feel special knowing God made me one of a kind and it makes me smile knowing He is so mighty and powerful that he designs us ALL differently.
The Bible says, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."~Psalm 139:14 He made you the way you are!
We all have things we dislike about ourselves. I believe the Bible but sometimes when I look in the mirror i think "why did he make me this way?" I have horrible vision, messed up teeth (TY Lord for letting me get braces to correct that), I am self conscience about the way i talk and laugh (because certain ppl in my family constantly make fun of it but laughs are supposed to be funny? right!?)I don't like my eyebrows and I've always thought my hair color is dull and boring.I wish I was a little taller and weighed 20 pounds less than I do. About the only thing I actually like about myself is my eyes and my long eyelashes. I am just being honest...but when I think about those things He reminds me I am perfect in his eyes. God doesn't judge us because we have a bad hair day and he never makes fun of us when we walk around all day with food stuck in our teeth (lol) he loves us no matter what! Why do we try so hard to please everyone else when we should be giving our all to please HIM. He loves you and me no matter what! We are all beautiful in his sight :) I love that song Breakin' Ground sings...When I was at my worst, God was at his best. We are nothing yet he gave it all so we could be saved. Others might not think you are worth anything but Jesus sure does! He cares about you and He'll never stop caring.
I sometimes let the outside define me when the heart should be what defines me. I have Jesus in my heart and he is not something a person can hide from the world...he always finds a way to come out :) you can't hide someone as big as God in your heart! He will pour out and shine on the outside too. Let Jesus define you. Keep your eyes on the Savior and the way you look on the outside won't be as important.
Be "you"nique!!! Be who God made you to be. You will never be happy until you be the you he designed you to be. When are you going to be (place your name here)? :)
ps. please excuse any mis-spelled words...I am to sleepy to correct mistakes lol
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