

Don't run ahead..just wait!

Been thinking about this..God greatly blessed Sarah even though she messed up in the wait..How much
more will He bless those who sit still and patiently wait for Him to do the work He's already promised He will do?

Sarah ran ahead of God, and set in motion her own plan which she thought was the solution for her barrenness. It resulted in a bitter heart, a runaway slave (Hagar) and an unwanted baby (Ishmael). She made a mess and she still didn't have the one thing she wanted more than anything ..a baby!Ishmael became a constant reminder of her mistake. All she had to do was what she'd done her whole life..just keep waiting. That can be the absolute hardest thing to do when we feel we are ready NOW. Over the years God revealed himself to Abraham and told him bits and pieces of His amazing plan. He never personally told Sarah anything. She like myself had a hard time submitting and being patient. I am the most impatient person!!🙈
 Elisabeth Elliot said, "Do nothing." We want so badly to DO when all God wants is for us to TRUST❤️
{Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24}


But Jesus Loves You

Now Jesus loved Martha.. When he had heard therefore that he (Lazarus) was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
John 11:6a,7

Jesus loved Martha. Martha, the one who fussed at him in Luke 10. The one who thought he didn't care about her. The one who felt alone in serving. The one who needed rest but didn't seem to know it or the author of it.

But Jesus loved Martha. In this chapter her brother is deathly sick. Just like you and I do very often they cry out to Jesus to come and heal him. But this Jesus who loves Martha doesn't come. He didn't do what she asked. He didn't come when she called. If he loved her shouldn't he have came running as fast as he could? The end of verse 5 says Jesus loved her sister, and Lazarus. So why would he stay 2 extra days where he was? How could someone love someone and not come and help when they ask? If Jesus loved these people why didn't he show up and show it?

I must be honest. I have a problem with God not doing things when and how I want. His word says over and over if we call He will answer, and if we need him he is {always} there. But way too often God seems invisible. Sometimes it's like He is not there at all.

I think about she had been changed since the time Jesus had came for dinner at her house. She had been so anxious, so angry, and so annoyed, that she missed those sweet blessings of being in Jesus' presence. Jesus was so patient with her. There was so much love behind those words, "Martha, Martha". He wasn't chastising her, but calming her with his precious voice. But here they are in a hopeless, broken situation. Lazarus is dying and Jesus isn't coming like they hoped and prayed.

I can imagine the disappointment Martha and Mary felt that moment Lazarus died. I can imagine the bitter thoughts that filled their minds as hour after hour passed and their Saviour still hadn't arrived.

But Jesus loved Martha.
And I have to say the broken heart isn't the end of the story. They didn't get what they asked for. Instead they got a miracle. The miracle is always worth the brokenness. It's worth the doubts. It's worth the wait. It's worth the wavering faith.

Think about that..God allows things to happen which shake our faith for a moment because He knows very soon it'll strengthen and grow deeper roots of faith in us!

Maybe he hasn't came when you called. Maybe you're still waiting. Maybe your dream has died. Just remember "Now Jesus loved Martha". But Jesus loved YOU.

The Christian life is a by day we walk through valleys, up mountains, through night seasons, storms, trial after trial, flat tire, you name it..these are what life is. It's hard! The Lord knows that. Sometimes we wonder if he really loves us, but soon his love will be evident to those around you. The Jews said, "Behold how he loved him!" In verse 36.

He loves me so much that he won't give me what I want. He loves me so much that he won't do what I want. He used their story to get glory! He loves me so much that he wants others to see his love as well.

That's what real love is. Oh the love of Jesus how vast, how measureless!
Don't forget how much Jesus loves YOU. He knows best and only does what is best. We must trust him. Sometimes we have to have patience with God.

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