

Don't run ahead..just wait!

Been thinking about this..God greatly blessed Sarah even though she messed up in the wait..How much
more will He bless those who sit still and patiently wait for Him to do the work He's already promised He will do?

Sarah ran ahead of God, and set in motion her own plan which she thought was the solution for her barrenness. It resulted in a bitter heart, a runaway slave (Hagar) and an unwanted baby (Ishmael). She made a mess and she still didn't have the one thing she wanted more than anything ..a baby!Ishmael became a constant reminder of her mistake. All she had to do was what she'd done her whole life..just keep waiting. That can be the absolute hardest thing to do when we feel we are ready NOW. Over the years God revealed himself to Abraham and told him bits and pieces of His amazing plan. He never personally told Sarah anything. She like myself had a hard time submitting and being patient. I am the most impatient person!!🙈
 Elisabeth Elliot said, "Do nothing." We want so badly to DO when all God wants is for us to TRUST❤️
{Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24}

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