

~~God's been good~~goodbye 2012

I haven't blogged in a few weeks, we have been super busy with CHRIStmas. The Lord gave us a very nice Christmas. Since it is the last night of this year I wanted to take a look back at this year. It has been a sweet year for me, but it has had its ups and downs.

On January 1, 2012 (can't believe it's been a whole year since this day ~WoW~) the year started on a Sunday...On this day I surrendered my life to the Lord, he dealt with me for many months, and on this day I went to the altar at my church after my pastor preached out of Joshua 24 and I told the Lord I choose HIM. I gave up my plastic pearls (click here to read story: Plastic Pearls) After I finally let go and let God have his way I was much happier!

He opened many doors for me to serve Him this year. I am thankful for each opportunity. I became a member at Cannon Mountain Baptist Church at the end of February. It feels good knowing you are where God wants you. In April some of the ladies in church started G.L.A.M. (click:G.L.A.M. and Iron Friends :) to read more about G.L.A.M.) for the teen girls. In April I started this blog...I have totally loved writing on it!

In May I faced my biggest fear...SuRgErY. I had 4 wisdom teeth extracted and 4 others. I was sooo scared but God got me through it and it wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined it would be. He also showed me how many people care about me...I got so many FB messages, texts and prayers from people. A few weeks later I turned the big 2-0 in June, and got BrAcEs (ewww). That was hard to get used to and pretty painful, but HE got me through those tough first few months. The Lord opened a door for me to become a Sunday School Assistant and I love it!! He then allowed me to help at junior camp in Georgia and I got to meet and spend almost 3 days with 12 awesome eleven year olds.I made some great memories and loved every minute of it...except the cold showers lol.

In August I began my journey to become an expanded duty dental assistant. Made some new friends at school and I am soo thankful for them! We helped each other make it through all the drama of having 21 girls in one room lol. I passed my first semester in the program with 4 Bs and 1 A. It was a very tough semester and I was so relieved when it ended. The day grades were posted, I looked at the computer screen and just cried tears of joy and thanked the Lord because it was finally over and my hard work paid off. :) I got to vote for the first time...of course I voted for Romney! We just ended my most favorite time of year...CHRISTmas. I wish it was Christmas time everyday <3

That sums it up pretty much. I had a great year and God has been so good to our family!! I got to hear my daddy preach a few times this year and am looking forward to hearing him more. So thankful how God has put my whole family back where we need to be. He truly does answer prayers...alot of times his answer is different than what we expected but his way is ALWAYS so much better!!

As this year ends I must say I am currently in the valley but I am trusting God that one day soon I'll be back up on the mountain. It is hard when you are so unsure of where God is in your life. My motto for this year seemed to be...I choose you Lord. For 2013 my motto will be: I want you, Lord! I realized this year how much of a nothing I am and I am still realizing how much I really need the Lord. Preacher Shem says we pray "give me, give me, give me" when we need to be praying "make me, make me, make me" I want God to make me into what he wants! Since I let go of my plastic pearls the devil has fought me like never before but I don't regret my decision one bit. I want God and thats all i want :)

on another note: A few minutes ago I went out to say hi to my dog, Tobi and he was shaking and scared to death! Some of the people in our neighborhood are shooting off fireworks and it makes him scared. I sat outside a few minutes and petted him and tried to calm him down. I told him he didn't need to be scared and that the fireworks wouldn't hurt him...but since he's a dog he doesn't understand. It made me think about how we get scared of the silliest stuff that never happens. God tells us not to worry about it but we still do. What little thing are you freaking out about that God is whispering for you to stop worrying...It might seem loud or big but really it's nothing. Stay close to God and he will help you through each "firework" you face! I want to trust God more this year than I ever have!

keep trusting Jesus in 2013 :)

I just want to end by saying, I love you all! I am thankful for my readers!!! It means alot to me that you have taken time to sit down and read what I've wrote! I pray you have a blessed new year! Looking forward to having the best year yet!! Happy New Year to you and yours :)))


Thankfulness-me giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!
It's not about the turkey, the parade, or's about looking back at all you have and remembering to thank the Lord for it all.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.-James 1:17

I want to just tell what I am thankful for this year...
My family
  • my him so much! He has worked hard for us always. I am thankful I have a daddy who is saved, and called to preach! thankful for all the times he has fixed my car. thankful for a great talk we had a few weeks ago. i am glad he cares about me and my moma and brothers and sister.
  • my moma, she is my best friend and I am so thankful I have a real mom. Just because you have children doesn't mean you are a mom...a mom is someone who bends over backwards to please her family. mine is a true mother! My moma has sacrificed so much for us! I never realized how much until this past mothers day. She stayed at home (and still does) to take care and raise us. I can recall many nights her and my daddy stayed up with me when I was afraid to sleep. She took care of us when we were sick. I am very thankful for the bond we have. thankful for all her and my daddy have done for me in my life. thankful they have both taught of about Jesus! <3
  • Josh and Caleb- so thankful for my little brothers, josh is, my "twin" lol. thankful for all the memories we got to share growing up. thankful for all the times I got to watch them play baseball and basketball!
  • Manda, thankful for my little roommate! She has grown up so fast. i sure love her and her dramatic self!! thankful God gave me that little sister I longed to have as a little girl. Life sure would be boring without her in our family ;)
  • Tobi- He is our faithful little dog! We got him when I was in 6th grade. He has grown up with us and I am so happy God gave us such a sweet dog. We got him from the pound...I got to name him. I remember the day we went and when I first saw him, i knew he was the one <3 He ran off a few years ago and we searched and searched for him eveywhere but never found him. One friday afternoon when Josh and I got off the bus, moma n daddy weren't home so we had to stay in the yard. I went to the end of the yard and knelt down in prayer and prayed that God would bring Tobi home...a few minutes later the van pulled in the driveway and guess who leaped out of the van door...Tobi!!! He had gotten caught in a dog trap and was supposed to be put to sleep just 3 days later (on monday). I thank the Lord he saved him from being put to sleep and brought him back to our family. It's amazing how much a little animal can mean so much!
  • Home- thankful for the house I have grown up in. It might not be the most fanciest or newest but I love it and am thankful for all the memories I have here! I get to live with my favorite people :))
  • also thankful for my grandma louise, aunt joann, gramme, pops, grandma joy, papa jimmy, papa grady, grandma pat, aunt Kelly, uncle Steve, aunt Jill, aunt Cher, uncle josh, and my cousins, Josh, gunnar, lucas, Deanna, Daniel, Taylor, Justin and lil miss Kourtney!! won't get to see any of them today but we are together in our hearts! Especially miss my great grandma louise right now! It has been over 2 and a half yrs since she died. we always spent thankgiving with her in NC. Oh how i wish I could see her and have a piece of her homemade cheesecake she made every yr!!
My faith
  • My savior--> thankful most of all for him! So thankful he died for me so i could live.
  • My salvation. soooo thankful HE saw fit to want me, deal with me, and saved me on May 10, 2009. I don't deserve it cannot believe how he can love someone like me, but I am so happy he does!! I love him so much and I am so glad i have him!!!!!!
  • My KING JAMES BIBLE...don't know what i would do without it!! thankful I have the true breath of God to read, get comfort from and learn more about the Lord! thankful for how he has strengthened my faith here lately!
  • Prayer- i am so glad he loves to hear me and hears me everytime i call!
  • My church...Cannon Mountain Baptist Church. So grateful to be a member here.
  • My pastor. he preaches the truth and loves us. I am thankful for that! also thankful for his family! love them all!!
  • My church family. love them ALL! so glad God made church families, bc we all need each other so much. this world is so messed up. glad we have each other to stand with!
My Freedom
  • thankful for live in the greatest country of all! United States of America!
  • thankful I can go to school, church and live how i please.
  • thankful for all the many soldiers who are away from their family today in a far away country fighting for us!
  • I am proud to wear red, white and blue.
  • thankful for the heritage of our country! she sure is not what she used to be but i still love this country. We used to be a Godly nation, we no longer are but we still are the greatest in the world.
My friends
  • I don't have many but the few i do are truly iron friends
  • first of all my best friend Shay...the Lord let us become friends this yr. I prayed for a long time that God would give me a good christian friend and he did! We don't get to talk much but I know I can always count on her to pray for me when I ask. we always have the best times together
  • Gwinn- She goes to my church! she is such a fun person and i love hangout with her!
  • Gerry and Savannah- they go to my school! they are christians and I love them to death! I went my first day of class thinking I would be the loner and not have any friends...but God put them in my classes. thank the Lord! DK what i would do without them to suffer through school with lol.
  • Kelsey-she goes to my church! love my kelsey! She is such a sweet girl and has the biggest smile :)
  • Mrs. Janelle- she is my pastors wife. She is someone i look up to so much! She truly loves the Lord and it shows in all areas of her life
  • Mrs. Brenda- I help in her Sunday School class, she is the sweetest lady!
  • thankful for my GLAM girls, Michaela, Brianna, Alyssa, Abi, Kelsey, Cassidy, tiffani, manda, Jessica
  • my camp friends- thankful for all the amazing people I got to know at camp!
  • love them all, thanks Lord for my friends! this isn;t all of my friends but these are the colse ones :)
My food
  • thankful for all the food God has given me and my family!
  • we have never went hungry!
  • thankful for all the times I have opened the frig and seen it completely full!!!
God has been so good to me! I am so blessed! this is only a drop in the bucket of all he has done for me. Happy thanksgiving yall!!


Faith your fears

Yes, I did mean to title this, "Faith your fears." Stop trying to face your fears alone and faith your fears...

I have been struggling like I never have before with fear. Yall have no idea how much the devil has tried to make me give up on this blog! I have had "writers block" because of it for months and it has been driving me crazy!! But I don't want to give up and let the devil win so here I am trying my best to write something worth reading. ;)
So here it is,

My preacher's definition of fear:
I realized a few weeks ago at the Women of the Well Conference that fear can actually be a good thing. Fear of the right things is okay. God made fear and everything God makes is good. I won't texted and drive because I am afraid of getting into an accident. I won't touch a burning stove because I am afraid of getting burnt. But the devil has his kind of fear and God has his. The devils best tool is fear. It is his power and he sure is good at using it! Fear from the devil is a lie. He knows what to say to make us fear. Unresolved fear will turn to doubt and unresolved doubt can turn to unbelief. I know this is true.

The devil says God is nowhere to be found. God doesn't love you. You will never amount to anything. God doesn't really care. God didn't really save you. You are the same person you were before you "got saved." You listen to these lies long enough and you will begin to believe them. For months I have felt alone, lost, and totally not like myself. I have listened to his lies and I started believe them. I let fear take control. I let the devil feed my lies and control me through them.

But when I would feel overwhelmed I would run to my Bible and pray that the Lord would help me but while i read I would think in my head, "this isn't going to help." And just being honest, it didn't help. Didn't help one bit. I'll explain why in a bit. When fear has filled your heart you will be useless to God. Doubt is never from God and of course unbelief isn't either. God continously says in his word to believe. Believe. Somehow I had stopped believing the truth and started believing the lies Satan whispered to me constantly. I wondered why the Word wasn't helping me. I wondered why church wasn't helping me. But Sunday night I found out why. Fear is the opposite of faith. If you let fear in, it fills the area where faith ought to be. My preacher says, "fear or faith will drive you." Fear comes in and faith leaves; but I am thankful it works the other way around comes in and fear will have to leave! Faith says stand strong, fear says run away!

Faith is the most powerful thing on earth. Faith, true faith that is, comes only from above. The lost have no idea what faith is, they think they do but they don't. If you have faith you can do anything, but if you have fear you can do nothing. When your faith is weak, you are weak. Faith leads to hope. Hope leads to confidence.

I am the kind of girl that when I lose sight of Jesus, i lose sight of me. I don't know who I am without HIM. He completes me. I need him in order to be able to faith my fears! Without him I cannot make it.

Don't lose faith because...You can't be saved without faith. You can't please him without faith. You can't live unless you are living by faith. Faith is how we KNOW Jesus is the Savior. Your fears will always win without faith.
You can faith your fears because "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."(1 John 4:4)

The Lord showed me why I wasn't getting help when I asked. I did have enough faith to ask for help but I didn't have enough faith to believe or receive what he gave me. I had listened to the Devils lies so much that even the Bible wasn't helping me. Don't get me wrong..i never thought that the Bible wasn't true, i just felt like it wasn't working and it wasn't helping me. Preacher Shem preached a few messages at the beginning of this year about strongholds. It was the first time I had ever really heard about spiritual warfare. I learned from it, that the mind is the devil's playground. He can get in our head and if he gets in, it is pretty scarey! When you let fear win the strongholds (lies) of the devil get stronger. Only faith can pull them down. you can believe your fears or you can believe your faith. The Bible says to believe God no matter what. That is hard to do especially if you are not spending time in the word and praying. The Bible is our food and if you don't eat you will be weak. Believe God is near and you will feel him near. Believe what the Bible says..not what Satan whispers. The only way Satan can win is if he can make you believe the lies.

So we all have a choice to make. 1. Believe the truth (Jesus-he is the way, the truth, and the life)
2. Believe the lie (Satan).
The two are the total opposite. Jesus never lies but all satan does is lie and deceive the world. Jesus is humble, Satan is haughty. Jesus is life while Satan is death. Choose to believe the truth. Choose you this day whom ye will serve...(Josh 24:15).
 Pinned Image
Lord, I believe but help my unbelief
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.-Mark 9:24
I feel like this man at times, I do believe but I need Him to help me believe more! Peter is another person who believed but needed help with his unbelief. Peter believed but lost faith and began to sink. He took his eyes of the Savior and saw the sea. (Matthew 14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?) He doubted because he let his faith get weak. I do commend him for being the only one brave enough to step off the boat and walk towards Jesus on the water. Atleast he had enough faith to take that first step. Who else on Earth can say they walked on water?? no one! But he lost focus and began to worry but Jesus caught him and saved him from sinking! I am glad when our faith is barely there HE will lift us back up and remind us that he will always be there and never let us down! I was looking at the word "always" the other night at church. Always to me means all the time, always...but I saw it a little different. Always=all ways. No matter the way he is always there. No matter the storm he is always there! All the ways there are to go, Jesus is always there :)) This is where I am now...I am choosing to believe but I need him to help me with my unbelief. The devil will still tell you lies, just remember he is a liar. Faith your fears!!

We must put up our shield of faith.--> Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.-Ephesians 6:16   Without faith the darts will hit you and harm you.

Here are a few faith verses:
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
-believing "I can" is your faith. "Christ" is your faith.
-In my Bible I have written, "strengthen: to put power in." Faith is your power.
Romans 4:19 And being not weak in faith...

2 Corinthians 1:24 Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:3  Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

*ALL verses are from the KING JAMES BIBLE.*

The word fear is in the Bible 385 times! Faith is only mentioned 231 times. The phrase, "Fear not" is in the bible 63 times. I looked these up. Pretty interesting.

Faith your fears! You can't win without Jesus! Don't listen to the lies of the devil!

-megan :)


thankful days 2-12 :)

i am so behind...I did put these on the appropriate days but thats on FB lol im just behind on here!
thankful day 2: thanks Lord, for the beautiful colored leaves!! i love fall and its pretty colors. Saw some very gorgeous trees while we traveled to Hendersonville, NC :)

thankful day 3: thankful for the great time I had at the Women of the Well Conference. The Lord gave me the help I needed and i am thankful he did!

thankful day 4: thankful for the great day at church and for my awesome pastor,Shem Durham...Nov 4th was his 40th birthday!!! thankful he cares for his members and preaches the truth to us and above all follows God!

thankful day 5: thankful for prayer! i am so glad no matter where i am, i can call on his name <3

thankful day 6: Freedom to vote! even though who i voted for did not win, i am still grateful that i
had a say and I view counts :) i was hoping to get a new president but God knows best!!

thankful day 7:thankful for wednesday night church! I can get refueled and hear from the Lord

thankful day 8: so thankful for the promises in the word!! they never change, that i love!

thankful day 9:  thankful for a nice warm bed to sleep in at night. many people around the world have no where to lay their head. I am blessed!!

thankful day 10: thankful for the great fall festival we had at church:) So thankful for my {scripture journal}!! it has helped me so much more than I could've ever imagined! it is full of my fav verses and i am so happy I made one! ♥

thankful day 11: i am thankful for my shoes!lol. as I looked in my closet yest morning i was getting annoyed becaused I couldn't find the pair I wanted and it made me think of all the people who don't even have one pair of shoes. HE's always met all my needs :)

thankful day 12: today I am most thankful for my education and the chance i have been given to go to college! can't wait til i am a CDA :)))

here is a pic of my thankful journal I have written in each day this month...the yellow leaf was actually from our thankful tree we did last year. I incorporated it into my journal this year lol

I have been thinking about the amazing time I had at junior camp in july...I sure miss it and all the sweet girls I was priveledged to get to know! I love how God go to help someone else and you get helped yourself ♥ it seems like they helped me alot more than I helped them :)
My sister and i put my christmas tree up last night after we got home from church :)) I am soo excited about CHRISTmas 2012!! this pic is horrible but oh well lol

i totally wish I didn't have writers block :// i just don't know what to say


thankful day 1 + it's ThUrSdAy:))

I wrote a few posts ago that i would be writing what i am thankful for each day in the month of here is day one. I love november because it is a great time to look back and recall how good God is. in november, remember your many blessings :) prob won't get to write tomorrow bc i wont be able to get on a computer, so I'll catch up saturday. please pray for us as we travel to hendersonville NC for the Women at the Well conference. i have been looking forward to it for weeks!! I sure need help from the Lord, praying he will give me what I need this weekend.
Day 1
Today I am thankful God is still in control. At times I don't understand things and I wonder what he is doing. Nonetheless he is still in control and nothing happens unless he allows it. He does know best even if it makes no sense to me. He will get me through whatever I may face because he is the one who made all and controls all :))

-when you are at church and you miss the hymn number, so you look in the back of the book to find the page number...the song is "kneel at the cross" and you are looking in the N's hahaha.
-having an impression tray stuck on your bottom teeth, and noone can get it out. everytime someone yanks it feels like your braces are going to be ripped off ://
-riding the elevator with one other person (I hate this!)
-when you can't park straight to save your life

-Fall Break! no school until next wednesday :)))
-missing class tomorrow because you are going to Women at the Well conference in Hendersonville, NC
-those special verses God shows you in his word that are just what you need right when you need it>


It's ThUrSdAy!*

So my last post was telling about the Youth meeting we were about to have at was great! i think we had about 150 show up (which was good considering there was a home clemson game that day). Bro Andy Wells preached out of Ecclesiastes. He talked about how most people search the whole world and never find what they are looking for. Most people don't een know what they are trying to find. There is a hole in each of us that only Jesus Christ the Lord can fill! I am glad if we come to him we will no longer need to search for that missing piece. I read in the Young Lady in Waiting book that only Jesus can complete you...i've remembered that and thought about it over the past year. I used to think once i graduate college, or get married than i would be complete but that won't happen. Completion only comes through getting to know the Lord and falling in love with him. I am glad i HAVE found what I'm looking for! His name is JeSuS <3 <3

Last Wednesday night we traveled to Sunnyside Freedom Baptsit church in Westminister SC. we had quite an adventure getting there! on the way home we went all the way into Georgia ! lol My daddy preached there. i am still amazed at what God has done in his heart. I felt so blessed seeing him behind the pulpit preacheing God's Word! He preached out of john 3 about "what I see when I look to the cross." It was good! I did something that night i haven't done before...I sang 2 specials with my sister! She sings at church but i don't (i do just in the chior.) i was pretty scared! but the Lord held my hand:) We found out last night, one of the little girls that was there got saved, during the service last night. praise the Lord!

Tuesday night was our last night of G.L.A.M.until january 2013. I sure will miss it until January! it isn't even really for me yet it has helped me so much! I wish I could have been taught the things we have learned when I was a young teen.

Last night which was wednesday we had church of course. I totally didn't feel like going because i was so tired and had homework but I went because I hate to miss church for any reason. In my book going to church when it's church time is just one little way i can please the Lord for all he's done for me! well I am sooo glad i went because my preacher preached about mary and martha! Mary is one of my most favorite ladies of the Bible. i look up to her and I want to be someone who stays at the feet of Jesus. I love learning more about those sisters. martha was destracted but mary was devoted to Jesus. it is so easy to get caught up in the things we have to do and over look the Lord and time alone with him. I'll be honest I don't read my Bible everyday, sometimes I just completely overlook it and when I finally get to bed at night I feel bad and sad about it. The Devil will do anything and everything in his power to keep us from the Word. My preacher says busy means: Being Under Satan's Yoke. It seems like God has been putting an emphasis on keeping our eyes on HIM. When we spend time with God in his word we get power and we become strong through the Lord. Alone the devil can defeat anyone but with God and his strength the devil can NOT win. Martha can't accomplish anything without the Lord's help. And neither can we. Preacher Shem said, "you can't be much of a martha if you ain't a mary." The Lord really helped me last night and I am soo thankful he did! he is so good to me and I am so undeserving of HIM.

on another note: here are 2 recipes I made... 1. Tater tot casserole. i made this last tuesday night...i've made this many many times and i love it!! it's really easy to make too. you need hamburger, a can of mushroom soup, cheese, worcestershire sauce, tater tots, and cheese. The duggar's eat tater tot casserole too!
 brown the meat, then drain, then mix in dish with the can of mushroom soup.
pour the worcestershire sauce on meat and soup.
 I like to add a lil cheese on the meat and then put the tots on top.
 then put cheese on top. put tin foil over it. cook for 40-60 minutes
(until tots are cooked and cheese is melted.)
2. Here is a desert i made tuesday'll need croissant rolls (in can)
and apple slices, and brown sugar and cinnamon

 my mom told me how to make's real easy. we used pie filling apples.

 place one or two apples on rolls add sugar and cinn. then roll up.
 put some butter over the top.
cook and enjoy with vanilla ice cream...I thought it tasted like apple pie :))

My mind has been so blank lately. School has me clueless! lol I am praying about somethings to post about, so don't forget about my blog :) I hit 800 views this week!! Well off to school soon. Tonight I am going to a Bible study at Clemson university with 2 of my friends from school. Sure am thankful the Lord allowed me to meet some christian friends at school!!

thank the Lord tomorrow is FrIdAy!! :)


youth meeting:))

hey everyone, happy saturday! :)) We are getting ready to go to a Youth Meeting my church is having today. praying God will do great and mighty things (Jer 33:3). Bro Andy Wells will be preaching and his youth chior will be singing! i have been looking forward to it all week. I am glad there are still a few young people who truly have a heart for God and would rather go to church on a saturday than a game (clemson is playing today.) or anyplace else. I would choose God's house over anything on a saturday. how sad it is that many people won't even choose God's house on sunday morning...they'd rather be at the lake or sleep-in. if you have this attitude i would check up and make sure you have the real thing! well ttyl:)


This n' that {thursday #1}*

hey yall, i'm gonna try and start doing some new stuff on my blog...I saw on another blog this awkward and awesome thing so I am going to try it too. Hopefully it will be funny to my readers too!:) Also I want to start putting some recipes on here. I am curently trying to learn to cook, so i want to keep record of what i learn and place it on my blog. I will still be writing about the Lord of course! Sometimes I have no clue what to write so I just don't write for a while until God gives me something. I want this blog to be an encouragement to someone! i have had some people write and tell me that they are enjoying it and that sure makes me happy. I started this blog because I felt like God wanted me to and I have enjoyed it so much! My daddy said this is a ministering tool so I don't want to take it lightly by no means. My goal is to write everyday but honestly i don't have much time with school and all. I am lucky if I get to write every 2 or 3 weeks lol but hopefully soon things will slow down and I will be able to write more. But like i said earlier I want to add some fun stuff too! I might just do the fun stuff only on Thursdays...What do yall think about that? Do yall (my readers) have any ideas or things you would like to see on my blog?? i am open for suggestions. Also i am wanting to start doing posts on topics from the Bible. I just really want to write what God wants me too! I think for November and maybe the ending of October I will write something I am thankful for each day. November is the time to give thanks so that's what I want to do! I have kept a grateful journal this year and i have had a great time with it! It doesn't matter whats going on in your life there is always something to be thankful for!

awkward. -when you walk into the bathroom at school and there is a giantly tall person that looks just like a guy and your heart stops because you think you walked into the guys bathroom...
-When you are sitting at a funeral and the lady to your left is snoring...with her eyes open.
-When you learn that the Braves are indians and their mascot is named knockahoma...and you thought knockahoma is a real indians name. (knock-a-home-ah)*

awesome. -getting a long weekend because your teacher cancels class for tomorrow!!
- Jesus and his grace. :) -breakfast for supper! -Watching an emu stop traffic both ways on the news...they said "he was lost in the middle of rush hour traffic." LOL
-Romney winnin' that debate last night!!! ~Romney for President 2012~

Verse for today:) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.-John 14:1 kjv
I heard this verse at the funeral my mom and I went to today. I like the first part...let not your heart be troubled. I let things bother me alot. i let things hurt me that shouldn't. If you believe in God you don't have to be troubled about anything. I heard preacher Barry Rackley say, "your discouragements reveal your encouragements." if our priorities are straight we won't be as troubled about things. things that matter and things that don't matter. Look past everyone, everything and your problems and you will see Jesus!

Here is dinner #1 (not the first time i've ever cooked fyi lol) Tuesday night I made Taco Salad for dinner. At the Roberts house we love this dinner! and it is really are some pictures.

this is what we put in the salad...also hamburger meat.
We sometimes get turkey instead of hamburger because it is healthier.
Cook the meat.

drain it. then add the taco seasoning.

finished product. just mix it all together and chow down :)
we love tomatoes but we didn't have any :(
This dinner is fast and easy and tastes great. You don't have to use doritos, some people just eat it with plain tortilla chips and some people use salsa instead of thousand island dressing. We like spinach but you can also make it with plain lettuce as well.



what is your hope in?

I have been meditating on hope. What is it? Where does it come from? What can it do for you and I?
I see hope as a combination of faith and trust mixed together. Hebrews 11:1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is believing without seeing and trusting is waiting even if you aren't totally sure what you're waiting on.
What do I have my hope in? What do you have your hope in?
I know I have my hope in Jesus Christ the Savior for my salvation but do I put all my hope in him at ALL times. I say the phrase "i sure hope so" alot. "I hope this car will hurry up and turn" or "I hope I am not late for class" "I hope I can..." etc. I heard a preacher on WTBI say that americans (most) have no idea what it is to put their faith in God. I think what we pour ourselves into is what we hope for. Some people pour themselves into making the most money, having the biggest muscles, getting people to like them etc. i guess what's had me thinkin' on this is because we are getting ready to have another election...I'll just go ahead and say i'm voting for Mitt Romney, because ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING is better than what we've got right now!! like i said a few sentences above I believe we pour ourselves into what we hope for and I've seen what most people are hoping for...A president to SAVE them! I have seen pictures all over FB, and articles in the papers showing all these "HOPEFUL" people waving flags, raising there hands, smiling big, acting like he is the best thing since cracker jack.I realized people have got it backwards. My King James Bible says,  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.~ Psalm 118:8. Why are we looking for a man to fix our economy and problems when there is none. Obama said he could...Obama's slogan 4 years ago was that he was "hope for America", "change we can beieleve in." America was/is SO lost that she believed it! If we would get back to the Book and place and keep our faith, hope and trust in JESUS CHRIST, america would be changed...changed for the better. hope in man can fail, man can break his oath, man can just mess up even accidentally but God's word stands true forever and always! Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.~ Matthew 24:35.  People think a new president can turn our country around. I know one person can change things drastically. Romney can't fix all of this, but God can.

We want things to be different and we want things to get better but noone wants to go to the place help is found, people want hope but they don't want anything to do with the source of true hope. They want hope and help yet want nothing to do with God or Jesus. We can't make it on our own. I wish, no...I hope people will open their eyes and start searching for true hope.

I love this song...My Hope is Built:
My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

Chorus:On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

When Darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, his covenant, his blood
supports me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay.

When he shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found!
Dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne!

What is your hope in? Lets get back to leaning on Jesus!

-megan :)


money can't buy back

A man can never be so rich that he can buy back his past...saw this on a church sign coming home from school today. Not sure if it is the exact words though...If Jesus has forgiven your sins they are gone forever and no matter what you do or what the devil tells you, your wicked past will never and can never be brought back. The devil wants us to never forget our past and he constantly tries to bring it up, but God never does that. God forgives and forgets. I'm sure glad about that :)

~~As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.-Psalm 103:12~~

Corrie ten Boom said: When God forgives, He forgets. He buries our sins in the sea and puts a sign on the shore saying "No fishing allowed." 

The bad thing is that the devil never listens to God so he will try to go fishing. When he does, have faith. You can't feel faith or see it you just have to believe. Even when the devil makes you feel defeated if you look to God you will get victory. I sometimes hate feelings. Feelings constantly change.They can control us and they are hard to not listen to. I am glad God never changes. When he tells you something, it's the total truth and it will always be just that! Don't forget what he has done in your life...sometimes just looking back at what God has accomplished back then can get you through what is happening now.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!! Don't listen to the devil! I had a busy week at school, we had 4 tests this week and I think we have 4 next week as well :(( Sunday we have homecoming at church. And Monday starts the pickens county campmeeting!! i am very excited about it. Praying God will do great and might things(Jer 33:3) :)))


remember even roses have thorns*

well, i've made it through 2 weeks of school. all I can say is Wow! There is a lot more to becoming a dental assistant than you would think. lol. I have learned so much i feel like my brain may explode! We have already had 2 tests. We have 2 or three coming up this week. i went and picked up my uniforms yesterday. It is all exciting! i am in a class with 21 other students. We stay in the same room all day everyday (except for lab or clinical, both are right next door.) We have 2 teachers that teach us everything. It is a little confusing trying to figure out which class is going on. Ms. Shannon, one of my teachers said that if you are not a compassionate person than this field is Not for you. I realized something the other day when she said that....that this (becoming a dental assistant) is just training area for what God is really going to do with my life. Just about everyday I am reminded that this isn't the end but the beginning. Through school and other circumstances in my life he is making me into what I need to become for the work he has for me to do later.

           -I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. ~John 10:9

Preacher Shem preached about Jesus being the door this morning at church. I sure needed to hear it!
 He said God opens doors and shuts doors. It doesn't matter how bad you want to go through a closed door, it will not happen because he has it closed. God closes some doors to protect us from something behind that closed door. He has opened doors for me over the past few months and today he reminded me that the doors that are still open I am supposed to continue through that door. It might feel like I am going nowhere and nothing is happening. I might be the one working in the background that noone notices or the "teacher" that never gets an opportunity to say anything. i might feel like it's not worth it and and I should just stop helping but he has that door open because it's where he wants me. Just because you do right doesn't mean everything will be a bed of roses...remember even roses have thorns. It is so easy to look at how others act and treat people, and it's so easy to get my eyes on others who are "rewarded" for their {Lack} of faithfulness but i learned God opens certain doors for me and certain doors for someone else. It's not my business to look at what someone else is doing...or what they are not doing. If I see it...God most definately sees it too! i shouldn't try to get someone to change (and having a bad attitude about it, isn't going to change the person either)...they never will unless God intervenes. Lately He constantly has to remind me that "he is really all that matters." The door he opens is the one that matters, don't dwell on the ones he shuts or never opens (he really does know best.) Walk through the open door and that will lead you where to go next. It will lead you to the next open door. Alot of people think God shows the big picture all at once but he only shows a little pixel at a time. We won't see it all until the end. That is why we must have faith :)

I heard a quote friday: the 2 most important days in your life:
  • The day your are born
  • and the day you realize why?
I agree partially with this saying because, truly the day you get saved is the most important day of your life not your birthday! and the day you realize why he saved you (what he has called you to do) is the next most important day. I know God has more for me and I can't wait to see what it is! When we realize "why" we will all have to personally decide whether to walk through that door or not to. I told the Lord this morning i wanted my life to be the one He has picked out. A few weeks ago we went to a youth meeting and I got a burden in my heart for something i had never had before. Not totally sure if it is what He wants or if it was just me dreaming big. I'm not going to say what it is but if you are reading this please pray God will make a way if it is his will and show me 110% that it truly is what he wants! I feel like it is but I know i can't trust my feelings. Everyday since that night I think about what he did in my heart. It isn't anything that will happen anytime soon...but years from now. when my teacher said that dental assistants must have compassion i realized God is getting me ready for this service. I'm not just going to school to become a dental assistant, i'm going to school to learn to love people. I have a long, long, long way to go with showing love to others but God is working in my heart! Agape is the love God gives us...agape love is the highest kind of love. it is unconditional. I want to have agape love!

I know...scattered like always lol...hope everyone has a great Labor day tomorrow! :)


back to [{{ScHoOl}}]

tomorrow it is back to school for me and my brother Josh. Manda and Caleb start back Tuesday. I am excited about starting all my dental assisting classes but a little nervous. Please pray that I will be a shining light at Tri-County! Had a great day at church and last night got to go to a great youth meeting at Bible Baptist Church in Landrum,SC. Heard Bro Brandon Morris preach for the first time. Heard some good singing and 2 young people were saved during altar call! I am glad God is not done saving old sinners :))) Friday night we had a back to school G.L.A.M. sleepover and we had soo much fun! thankful for all my girls and thankful God has let me be a part of helping leading the class. Thankful for the memories we've made just since G.L.A.M. started in April!

My sister put this pic on her facebook and i just wanted to share it. Be careful who you give your heart to girls! wait for God's best...your Boaz.


just a short thought:)

You can either...
1. Give up
2. Give in
3. Or give it all you got

I read this on FB the other day and have been thinking about it. Which will you choose?
- : )


"I can't quit when there's a fire burning in my bones..."

Another reason I haven't written in a while is because i honestly haven't felt like it. I have felt discouraged and like a failure for the Lord. He really helped me at camp but when I got back home it was like the devil just pushed me down. That's what he does best is knock us down and tell us we are nothing and will never be anything for the Lord.

That's what he's been telling me, and I've been listening to him. I fail him (the Lord). That's all i can say is I fail the Lord greatly everyday. For a few weeks I felt like..."what's the point? I can't do it. I just can't." But I am so glad God can and WANTS to change our attitude and heart when we feel worthless. I've felt like just giving up (and kinda still do) but something in me say's I can't. I think about first my brother's and my little sister and what they would think of me and how it would disappoint them. Next I think about the 8 girls in the GLAM class and then I thought about the 3 little boys in my sunday school class. They all matter! And God has allowed me to have a part in each of their lives for a reason..and i don't want to make a negative impact. What if one of them quits because i quit? I don't want that to happen. I want them all to know God is real and I want to do right so maybe one day they will too. I wonder alot if anyone ever looks up to me, if I am making a mark in life, If I am making a difference...i really don't know if I am, but If i am in any way I just want to make a good difference and make a good mark. If someone looks up to me I want it to be for because I am doing right! Our lives either point people to God or lead people away from God. I also thought about the Lord and how good he's been and how he has never once let me down! Something I've done but shouldn't have is look at people and not God...i've had some people let me down recently and that can be very disheartening! Although I might feel like giving up sometimes, I know it is way to hard to keep something as big as God hidden and act like he's not there.
Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay. ~Jeremiah 20:9

Like I just said i've been struggling. I've felt like i am in between a rock and a hard place but God is always there and he knows how to help me out! I was driving home tonight and the Lord let me realize something that helped me alot. Even Adam and Eve who were perfect SINNED. God made them in his image which meant they were perfect yet Eve still sinned. They were like God, but they weren't God of course. They did not have sinful natures...they chose sin! I thought about that and I thought about how God still loved them the same amount as he did before they had sinned. Yes they were punished because we all reap what we sow but God still loved them the same! I on the other hand was born a sinner. Sinning is in my blood!!! i am a sinner. that's what i am. that's what we all are. Yet I am saved. But just because I'm saved doesn't mean I am perfect....I still sin. I still make mistakes. I still break his heart just as much now as I did before he saved me.I get so down on myself because I want to be perfect and not let him down!But I realized he understands when I mess up and he loves me nonetheless. God knows what I am...he kows I'm human; and humans are far far far from perfect! I beat myself up alot and feel like a failure because I let him down so much but God reminded me He doesn't drop us on the curb when we let him down. I am learning that God is sooo different than me! His ways are so different than mine. His thinking is the opposite of mine.(my fav verses--Isaiah 55:8,9 kjv) I pick the best. I want the very best I can get but I don't want to pay anything for it. God on the other hand picks the Worst he can find and paid the highest price that could be paid. He paid everything for something that was and still is nothing. He NEVER changes, never once has and never ever will. I am constantly changing. I don't know if anyone reading this will understand it but it makes sense to me lol He wanted me even in knowing all the times I'd fail him. His love is limitless and his forgiveness is infinite!!
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.~Hebrews 13:8
Don't let the rotten devil discourage you like he has me. God is still the same God today as he was the day he saved you! He forgave you then and he promises he will forgive again. He never changes :)) We must get our eyes off others, our failures, our problems etc. and keep them on the Lord!

hope this wasn't a complete scattered mess lol just wanted to share how he helped me. 
~later alligator!

{i'm back from my *SOO-not-bummer-summer*}

I promise I have NOT quit my blog...just have been super busy! Like I just said, I have been so busy! I was gone for 2 weeks....on July 2-4 I helped at a church junior camp in Cleveland GA and then left there with the others who helped and took a short trip to Pigeon Forge TN the 4th through 6th. We went to Dollywood for 2 days. I had a blast! I had never been to Dollywood so it was cool finally getting to go. I love rollercoasters so that was about all we rode! We left TN on that friday night and went back to the campground and I went home on Saturday to get more clothes for the next week. Monday through Friday of the next week (July 9-13) I was at teen camp at the same place. And then I was just been being lazy lol went going to VBS at a friends church a few weeks ago. It was fun. I love those friends that you can just pick right back up where you left off...and it doens't even matter how long it's been since you've seen each other. :) The VSB theme was awesome!!! it was::: F.R.O.G.--{fully rely on God}.
I am so thankful for the privelege to have gotten to help at junior camp. I had never did anything like that so it was all new and I didn't know what to expect. and to top all that off I didn't know very many people so I was nervous for about a week before camp! I wasn't sure what I would be doing...helping with the food or be a counselor...I got to be an assistant counselor so i was happy. I helped a girl named Kristen try to control 10 hyper eleven year olds! For both of us it was our first year so we didn't quite know what to expect. I made alot of good memories in those 3 days!

Within the first few hours we had already had atleast 5 wasp stings!!! By the end of camp our room had like 11 wasp stings, a few ant bites, a lost tooth, and a few scrapes. Some of the girls even got stung twice! Everytime we would walk the ramp to our room the wasps would fly out and get us. One got me and it hurt! Other than that it was great!! lol Had a wonderful week at teen camp. The Lord helped me and I am so grateful for that! I am grateful for all the new friends I made at camp! I have been praying for some iron friends and God has been allowing me to make some :)) It has been so long since I last wrote I can't remember everything that has happened lol...

My awesome Daddy took us to Carowinds about 2 weeks ago and we had a blast!!! I LOVE that place! I finally got to ride the Intimidator and it was amazing...probably one of the best roller coasters I've ever rode. Then a few days later we went to Stone Mountain Georgia and spent a few hours at Stone Mountain Park. I had been there before but it was nice to go back again. That's about all the exciting stuff i did ;) Since then I have just been trying to get ready to start school in a few days.

First day back is August 20. I am very excited because I will be starting my dental assisting classes this semester. If all goes as planned I will GRADUATE next summer! My church is having a Children's revival all this week. Bill and Nancy Mason are putting it on. I remember going to the revivals when i was a little girl and i loved them. Tonight was the first night and it went pretty great. I am thankful I am getting to help. I randomly thought of a few other "exciting" things...I had my first roadkill the other day--> i hit a BUTTERFLY and it died. I felt pretty bad about it too! Next: I almost lost my arm yesterday coming home from church. My mom started rolling the window up while i had my arm hanging out. thank the Lord she heard my screams before it was completely rolled up LOL

What have we been doing in G.L.A.M.?? well we took the summer off and have been working on our Scripture journals each Tuesday night instead of listening to Reba's DVDs and working in our workbooks. I am totally loving my journal. it has helped me alot! Maybe I will get to post some pictures soon.

Also tomorrow is 2 months that i have had my braces!!! only 22 more to go lol ;) I am happy with the progress, just hate that my teeth still hurt me about everyday. also hate that i STILL have 3 huge gaps because my teeth are being stubborn and aren't wanting to grow in. prayin' they will soon! I have been fighting an annoying chest cough for over 3 weeks now. I am finally starting to get over it! Those times when i am sick sure make me grateful for when I am healthy!

I am glad to be back! And hope to start writing more again super soon <3


When are you going to be you?

So, how does my blog look?? I worked hard on it! and i like how it turned out. Still might make a few changes later. All the layout stuff is confusing! lol
We have been having a super fun week! Got to go to NC and spend 2 nights(last week) with my cousins!!! We were so happy to see them because we hadn't seen  them since last June. My brothers, sister and I have always been close to our doesn't matter how long it's been since we've seen each other or talked we can always pick right back up where we left off. Wish we didn't live 4 hours from each other :( We traveled there because our great, great aunt JoAnn had a mild heart attack and was in the hospital. Thank the Lord she is doing better and was discharged Friday. My lil cousin Taylor aka Fluffy as my daddy calls her ;) came home with us. She has been here since Friday night. It has been very fun to have her with us.

 Tuesday nights=G.L.A.M. :)) We finished up Purity and started the next lesson: "1-3-9 The Perfect Combination." Not really sure what the 1-3-9 stuff means (?) lol. I wanted to write about something that it seems like today has been emphasised all day for me! Earlier today my mom asked my sister, "When are you going to be Manda?" and we watched a movie about being who you are not who your parents or the world tells you to be. And then we learned about being yourself at G.L.A.M.. I remember that saying that went around facebook forever (not sure where it came from though) was, "me get like you? no, you get like me." But the thing is no one should be "getting" like anyone else but their ownself! I remember in school when the teacher would say if everyone looked the same, the world would be such a boring place. I agree with that. It should be harder to be someone your not than it is to be yourself. Sadly, with the way it is today it is easier to be what your not than to be "you."

It is so easy to get caught up with what everyone else is doing, saying, or wearing. I think most people act in ways so others will accept them because deep down they have never truly accepted who they are. The world constantly screams that all girls need to be a size 2 to be beautiful and it yells that if we want to be accepted we must do what's "in" and if you are single, you are nothing. But none of that is true...

When you start being you, it won't matter what others might say. You are worth more than what you have or don't have, you are more! Don't let people degrade you when you stand out...that's called boldness,doing right with confidence and not caring what others think . You can't please everybody so you might as well please yourself and the Lord!

I love that new Nick movie called Rags...Charlie the main character tells Katie, "just be you." Just be you. Figure out who you are and do that not what the magazine says but what your heart says.

I am one of those people who have pretty much always stood out and never really fit in. It used to bother me a lot but I've realized i'm different and I am okay with that. God didn't make me (or you) to fit in. We are made as an original. You are an original and I am too. There will never be another Megan Rachelle Roberts. That makes me feel special knowing God made me one of a kind and it makes me smile knowing He is so mighty and powerful that he designs us ALL differently.
The Bible says, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."~Psalm 139:14 He made you the way you are!

We all have things we dislike about ourselves. I believe the Bible but sometimes when I look in the mirror i think "why did he make me this way?" I have horrible vision, messed up teeth (TY Lord for letting me get braces to correct that), I am self conscience about the way i talk and laugh (because certain ppl in my family constantly make fun of it but laughs are supposed to be funny? right!?)I don't like my eyebrows and I've always thought my hair color is dull and boring.I wish I was a little taller and weighed 20 pounds less than I do. About the only thing I actually like about myself is my eyes and my long eyelashes. I am just being honest...but when I think about those things He reminds me I am perfect in his eyes. God doesn't judge us because we have a bad hair day and he never makes fun of us when we walk around all day with food stuck in our teeth (lol) he loves us no matter what! Why do we try so hard to please everyone else when we should be giving our all to please HIM. He loves you and me no matter what! We are all beautiful in his sight :) I love that song Breakin' Ground sings...When I was at my worst, God was at his best. We are nothing yet he gave it all so we could be saved. Others might not think you are worth anything but Jesus sure does! He cares about you and He'll never stop caring.

I sometimes let the outside define me when the heart should be what defines me. I have Jesus in my heart and he is not something a person can hide from the world...he always finds a way to come out :) you can't hide someone as big as God in your heart! He will pour out and shine on the outside too. Let Jesus define you. Keep your eyes on the Savior and the way you look on the outside won't be as important.

Be "you"nique!!! Be who God made you to be. You will never be happy until you be the you he designed you to be. When are you going to be (place your name here)? :)
ps. please excuse any mis-spelled words...I am to sleepy to correct mistakes lol


blog under construction

hey yall, i am working on my layout and everything on my blog so it may look a little funny. I just worked for like an hour on changing it up and then i hit some button and everything I had done disappeared and now it is boring fonts and colors :(( hopefully within the next few days I will have it fixed


Happy Father's Day to my awesome daddy :))

I don't have much time to write but just wanted to write about my wonderful daddy for a few minutes! I am so blessed to have a saved father who loves the Lord!!! I am so grateful to the Lord for giving me a goodly heritage. I was thinking the other day that parents either 1. love or 2. leave...i am thankful mine never left but have always loved!
I love this picture! This is true for me!! My daddy has always
taught me well and treated me right  :)

The Lord has worked so much in my daddy's heart over the past year that it is so amazing! I can't wait to see what else the Lord is going to do. just a few years ago my daddy wasn't even really going to church. Just like what many people do atleast once in their life he put his eyes on people and off the Lord and he got hurt. I remember (for about a year i went to church by myself...every sunday and wednesday I would call someone from church and get a ride) all the times I prayed to see my daddy be faithful to church again and be on fire for the Lord and guess what!? God answered those prayers <3 He answered them better than I asked!!! God led my family to Cannon Mountain Baptist Church and he worked on my daddy and now things are soo different!!! I sometimes ponder all God has done and it is so overwhelming! I remember all the times i wanted to hear my daddy say amen during church and all the times I wanted to see him praise God and now I get to see that! God is soo wonderful! Daddy is now a sunday school teacher at church, assistant song leader and this coming up saturday he is being ordained to be a deacon at our church. So excited to see the Lord using my daddy!

                               me and my daddy and picture to the right is manda (my sis) and daddy

Looking back I can always say my daddy has always been a good dad to us. He isn't perfect but who is? I wouldn't trade him for anyone and I am happy to call him my Dad! He gets up everyday during the week before it is even light outside and goes to work to take care of his family! He and my mom have taught us that Jesus is the most important thing in life. I am grateful my parents taught us that because i know most kids parents don't. I'll never forget last year after we (my borthers, sis and I) got home from youth camp sitting around the table talking about what had happened that week...Daddy told us that what we do for the Lord is the only thing that will last and he is all that matters! So thankful I have a father who isn't pressuring me to become a doctor or lawyer so I can be rich but i have a Godly father who is teaching me that serving God is the best job there is. Money and popularity don't matter but souls and the Savior do! thank you Lord for what you have blessed me with :)))

Well since I last wrote I got my hair done so now i am blonde :)) and i love it! feels more "mee" and I am now an assistant in a sunday school class at my church. Today was my first time in the class, it is k5-2nd grade. I enjoyed it today! maybe one day soon I'll be able to teach sometimes...have to get over some fear though lol i don't like talking in front of people even if they are like 7 ;) :)


My SURPRISE 20th birthday party @ G.L.A.M. and ScRiPturE journals :))

I had a birthday now I am a 20 year old. Feels very weird lol. I had a great day. Got to be at my favorite place...CHURCH! Got a new Vera bradley backpack from my parents and of course birthday cake :) I am still trying to get used to the braces. They are still hurting me everyday. Hopefully soon I will get used to them and it won't be as painful lol.
The day i got my braces on...rough day lol

Since it was pouring rain tonight manda and I left the house earlier than normal for G.L.A.M. because I hate driving in the rain (my bug is low to the ground and I spin out alot lol) So we got to the fellowship building at church (where we have G.L.A.M.) early and I get inside and see Happy birthday stuff and I was like "huh!?" I thought it was one of the other girls birthdays or something...and then I got told it was for me and I was still like "Huh!?" lol Then I found out my sweet moma had came earlier this morning and set everything up. When i found that out I wanted to cry!!! She got my friend Mrs. Brandie to make cupcakes and she had her make me a big cupcake :)) and I got flowers for the first time in my life!! I was very excited about that! Moma had a card set out (she wasn't there when i got there. Her and daddy came later) and all the girls signed it. Some of the girls even gave me lil gifts :) I have always wanted a suprise party!! It meant soo much to me that my mom did all that for me. I was very suprised and happy and I will never forget it!! After we ate we started working on our craft.
Flowers from my parents :)) i loved the cupcake balloon too!

my moma made some food and sent it with me...i thought we were just gonna
be having a lil snack haha:) I brought food to my own suprise party lol  
I wish someone would have told me I was going to a party...
i woulda fixed my hair and put on some nicer clothes lol ;))

Some of the G.L.A.M. girls :) love them all!!!

my big cupcake...sooo good!!

more cupcakes :))

After my party we began working on "scripture journals" (aka smashbook. we liked calling it scripture journal alot better than smashbook lol)  These things are a lot of fun and are very easy to do. I can't wait to fill mine up! If you are wanting to start your own just pick up a composition notebook and some fun paper and start writing verses in it. don't forget StIcKeRs <3 Here are some pictures.

here is Michaela's pretty!

me workin' hard ;)

my sis's journal :)

Cassidy's journal :)

Manda's "waiting on her prince" page :)

I haven't done my outside cover yet but here is my first page...
i wrote my fav verses (Isaiah 55:8,9) after i took this picture.

Some of the verses I wrote out earlier today and of course i can't leave out Hello Kitty;)

manda, kelsey and michaeala working on their journals!

my crazy sister ;) holding a princess for her prince page :)

Gwinn working on her journal!

these are some of the verses I did earlier today...this one is 1 John 4:7,8

Col 3:8,9,12,13  put off the bad, put on the good!

Psalm 145:8,9

one of my favorites about waiting, Psalm 27:14 the Lord gave me this verse right
after I got saved and i've held onto it ever since :)

Psalm 18:30 one of my faves! 

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