

But If Not..

Daniel 3:17-18
If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

I was thinking about these verses last night. As the Word tells us over and over God doesn't always do what we think and he doesn't always do things when we think he should. The 3 Hebrew boys were standing before King Nebuchadnezzar because they'd stood instead of bowed. Once again they had a choice to make..Bow or burn. They knew their God COULD deliver but they didn't know if He WOULD. No matter the problem, circumstance, request, or need OUR God is Big enough! And these boys knew that! That phrase "he will deliver" comes from the Hebrew verb "yesheyziv" meaning deliverance was a possibility but not a certainty. Their faith was in God no matter if he let them burn, or if he delivered them. My study Bible says, "Their faith in God did not rest on the belief that He would perform a miracle, but that their sovereign God could be trusted". They had the courage to keep standing and to say "But if not.."

That phrase "But if not" made me think about prayers versus unanswered prayers. God says he will answer..but he doesn't tell us when. Sometimes his answer is "no", "not now" but sometimes he says, "yes." The hardest answer is when it seems like he says nothing at all. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to choose to believe God knew best we have to make the same choice no matter how hard it might be. They chose to get thrown in the fire knowing if God didn't do something they would burn.

I asked God to do something by a specific date over a year and a half ago..well that date came but my prayer didn't get answered. On May 11th I wrote in my journal "But if not Lord I will still serve you and I'll keep waiting. You know best." So here I am on the other side of my request..he didn't answer the way I wanted but I will keep going! I will keep waiting! I will keep serving! I will not bow down and give up..I will not please the devil. Just as these 3 brave boys did I choose to believe my sovereign God can be matter what His answer is. As this year ends and a new one will soon begin I just want to say "But if not" Lord. What about you?

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