

The Battle is not yours but God's

2 Chronicles 20:15,17
And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's. Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; to morrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.

I was reading this chapter last night and the phrase "Ye shall not need to fight in this battle.." Battle after battle God protected and preserved his children. But each time they would get fearful. They were so concerned this time that they all came together and fasted and sought the Lord (vs4). Sometimes we look at what's heading our way and we know we can't win..we can't stand... We can't do it. In times like these we don't even know what to do or what to pray. Jehoshaphat told the Lord (vs12), O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee. He didn't know what to do but knew who to put his eyes on. When our might is small, our God is still the Almighty! The enemy might be great but our God is greater! 

In order for the Lord to fight the battle the Lord told them a few things they needed to do: 
*Set yourselves: Set means to put or place, to fix or cause to rest in a standing posture. They had to set their eyes and mind on Him and not the multitude heading their way. It is very hard to focus on the Lord when we're facing a great multitude and were afraid. But God wanted them focused on him. Fear is in the get rid of it we must be set. 

*Stand still and see: In verse 16 God told them exactly where he wanted them to stand. God knew the way the enemy was going to come in. In verse 16 God tells them to "go down" and the enemy will "come up". Sometimes we must go down for victory to be ours. If they wouldn't have obeyed and stood right where God told them to they would've lost the battle. To stand still in the middle of a battle sounds crazy..but they had to trust Him. When we don't trust him we limit him and we lose.

*Go out against them: even though the Lord told them they didn't need to fight that didn't mean they could sit back and do nothing and still get victory. He said Go! He promised to go with them and he did!

If we are constantly fighting our own battles we will miss out on seeing God work miracles and move mountains for us. These men could've got up that day and fought their hearts out but they would've lost. Giving your all will not be enough when the Lord says it's his battle and not yours. Be willing to fight when he says but also be willing to stand still when he commands you to. Watch as he gives you victory when you put it in his hand. What battle are you facing today? God said it is HIS battle..stand for him and let him fight. Our God will always win! 


Mark 5:6 He saw, he ran, he worshipped

Mark 5:2
And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit...
Mark 5:6
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,

These verses were mentioned in the message Sunday morning at church. Verse 6 really jumped out at me..this demon possessed man ran to Jesus when he saw him. He was full of over 2000 demons yet still knew Jesus was the only one who could help him. He didn't run to Jesus and say "fix me." He ran and worshipped. Maybe we need to stop telling God what to do and just get back to worshipping him. When's the last time we've ran to Jesus just to worship him?? I've ran to him many times but I'll be honest it's usually not to worship him but to get something from him. I'm learning God is so much bigger than I think he is. He deserves so much better than I treat him.

We need to get back to:
1.seeing Jesus---looking for Him! Seeking him and not this world. Matthew 6:33 says, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. We need to seek him and see him for who he really is. When Isaiah saw the Lord he said, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.(Isaiah 6:5) When we see Him we see ourselves as we really are...wicked, unworthy, nothing worthy of Jesus.

2. Running to Jesus---when we finally see him we don't need to wait for him to come to us, we need to run to Him. I waste a lot of time trying to figure things out on my own when all I really need to do is run to him. He says he is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). Whatever is going on around us we can run to him and find rest, safety and help...whatever we need. "I am that I am (Exodus 3:14)..he is whatever we need whenever we need it. Oh how I want to run to Jesus and be near him!

3. Worshipping Jesus---Only he is worthy to be worshipped! Worship him for who He is. Bow the knee and adore him. We can not worship without getting down. When we get down He is lifted up. We must be humble. This man humbled himself...worship: "to kiss like a dog licking his masters hand"...he showed Jesus the respect and adoration he deserved.


1 Corinthians 13: Loud But Not Loving

1 Corinthians 13:1
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

"Loud but not loving"
Speak: to utter words or articulate sounds. to declare, to proclaim, to celebrate. 

Think about a little kid banging cymbals together. How annoying! How loud! How rude! He thinks he's making music but he's not. Brass is loud! I played the trumpet when I was younger and every time I practiced I had to go outside because the noise was so loud it was a distraction to everyone else. 

Brass is another name for the Bible bronze represents judgement. In a symphony brass is necessary. On its own it is loud and distracting...and can come across as just plain judgemental. With love the right words at the right time can become a beautiful sound and God can use them to speak directly to the heart of someone lost, confused or hurting. Without charity the same words can seem demeaning, destroying, disgracing, and distracting. Without love I will become a distraction. I will disgrace the Lord.  Ultimately others will learn to keep a distance from me...which means they will also distance themselves from the Lord! It is so easy to say "good" things, "needful" things with the wrong attitude, heart or motive. 

That word Tinkling means, making a small, quick sharp noise.  This makes me think of those comments we say so fast we don't have time to think about how it could effect others. In the heat of the moment, anger can fly out of our mouths before we even know it. I've done this so many times. Said a small "sharp" comment that spoke so loudly and did so much damage I can not undo. Words have more power than we realize. This tinkling cymbal (although short in sound) lasts much longer than we think. Quick words without love linger. Words can not be unsaid once spoken. Our testimony can be lost with one small phrase. 

What kind of sounds are you articulating? Are you living a loud life? Or a loving life? Relying in our own flesh we can do nothing and will amount to nothing. It all comes down to living in the flesh or walking in the spirit. The flesh is loud! It craves attention. It's selfish and doesn't think about the consequences. Our heart behind our words say so much more than what we are actually saying. I don't want to be loud. I want to love. Love makes the difference. Sharing without caring won't lead others to Jesus...we must remember to love. But never let your compassion overtake your convictions. Stand your ground, but always remember to have charity. We can't declare, celebrate, or proclaim how good God is without having love. People are looking and longing for someone real. "Loud" will get you noticed, but "love" will get Jesus noticed. The world is a hateful place. There are enough hateful "Christians", we need more loving Christians.  I don't want to be a distraction, Demeaning, or destroying by speaking without loving. I want to make a difference by speaking with love. The tongue is a weapon that can easily be used to destroy instead of heal. This is something I battle with daily. 

Lord, help me to show others the amazing love you have shown me! Touch my tongue that I may show only love...even to my enemies! 💛


His Will vs My Will

Proverbs 16:9
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
Psalms 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
Ephesians 5:17
Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Devise: to invent, to contrive, to plan, to scheme. 
Direct: to order, to instruct, to point out a course of proceeding, to command. 

I have made plans that never happened. I've had dreams that haven't come true. It's only natural to make plans, goals, dreams and have things you want to accomplish in your life. The mistake is made when we put our plans, wants and desires above what we KNOW God is directing us to. We all want to know "God's will". I used to think it's a big mystery and I've waited and prayed for God to say "This is my will". But that's not how he does things. It says he directs our step at a time we walk IN God's will. We're not walking around trying to find it...were either IN his will or were OUT of his will. Each day, each step we take God has a specific will and way. In Eph 5:17 that word will gives the meaning of desire or pleasure. 

Most of the time I think "my" life is about me and what I want. But that's foolishness to think that way. I'm not just here for my own purposes but HIS purposes. HIS pleasures. HIS desires. That's what should really matter. 

When we let the Lord order our steps he is pleased. His will might not be glamorous or include you being in the limelight but HIS will is the only way your life will bring him honor and glory. We can make all the money in the world and still stand before God one day OUT of his will. His will might be you scrubbing toilets at your church. His will might be you alone in a hospital bed. His will might be you serving him in a foreign country. His will might be you getting up and going to work everyday and giving it your all. It might not be what you would pick but if it's what He has picked for you it is the only thing that will satisfy you. Running from God and his will is a miserable thing. Surrender and submit and see Him use you in whatever way he desires to. I desire to walk in his will and way every day. I want him to direct my steps! I can't make it without him!! I want to live a life directed by God not devised by my heart. 

"When God has another plan, walk on and just say yes
When God has another plan be assured that he knows best
When all your dreams are shattered, rest in his sufficient grace, We don't have to understand when God has another plan"


Psalm 23: My Cup Runneth Over

Psalms 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Psalm 23 is David speaking as a sheep about his Shepherd. When I read this phrase I wondered why would a sheep would say its cup is overflowing?? But after studying the verses before this one I think I know why. David was so overwhelmed by how good God is, he had to take a time out and just say, "my cup runneth over." Maybe we need to take a time out in the craziness of life and say to the Lord, "my cup runneth over". 

That phrase "runneth over" gives the meaning of Satisfaction...wealthy, satiate, satisfy, soak, (abundantly). Satiate-to fill. To satisfy appetite or desire, to saturate. 

He's given us all a cup, a vessel. We have a choice of what fills that vessel...good or bad. I keep thinking about the mind and how he anoints our heads with oil. If the sheep won't let the shepherd anoint his head he will struggle to see things Gods way. God daily overfills my cup...but how often do I actually notice it? Am I so concerned with the bad that I miss seeing the good he fills my cup with everyday? To overflow means to fill beyond the brim. He goes above and beyond to make me feel loved!

If you just take a look back through Psalm can't help but see how your cup is overflowing. A faithful shepherd who cares for you,continually guides you, carries you, fights for you, gives you peace of mind so you can find rest (in Him), corrects and comforts you..he is so good and my cup runneth over! A thankful heart is a happy heart. Think about all He's done. Forget about your enemies, worries, fears...think on HIM. We can be so blinded by our problems that we don't see his blessings and promises. 


Psalm 23: He Anoints Me

Psalms 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

"He anoints me"
Anointing the sheep with oil was a way the shepherd guarded them. The lions, bears and other beasts he could fight off but for the little things that attacked the sheep, a different approach had to be taken. Little critters...Mosquitos, insects, lice, flies, and ticks would get in the sheep's wool, ears and nose and bother them.  Over time this could cause irritation, sickness, disease and death. I read that sometimes a sheep will bang it's head over and over against a tree trying to get the bugs to stop bothering it...eventually this kills the sheep. At times when these little bugs would bother the sheep the shepherd would anoint their heads with oil. The oil made their wool slick so the bugs could no longer cause trouble...they'd slide right off. 
The head (mind) is the easiest target. Things we see, and things we hear can enter and cause disease without us even knowing it. The Lord knows our mind is the devils playground. If the devil can get our mind we will be of no use to the Lord. Thoughts, attitudes, and feelings of negativity, discontentment, jealousy, and anger can seem so small but whatever we dwell on grows inside us. These can lead to bitterness and bitterness if not dealt with eventually leads to spiritual death. 
Our shepherd knows this and he's seen many sheep give up and die because of the little things..he doesn't want that to happen to me or you! We must let him anoint our heads with the oil. It'll take the oil. It'll take God himself slathering our minds with the anointing oil. Anointing is another word for consecration. Consecration shows dedication and devotion. The sheep knew the oil would protect them from small things that eventually turned into big problems. The little issues in our lives must be dealt with. I don't know about you but I want to be anointed. I want Him to pour oil all over me. I desire the touch of God's hands on my life. Verse 4 tells us we have his presence but if we want the power we must be anointed. Without the working and touch of God in my life I won't make it. I must yield to him and allow him to do as he wishes. 

One last thing about the oil..It was also perfume. The sheep probably didn't smell very good at times. So when they were anointed they smelled like the shepherd. Do you smell like the world or do you have the scent that you've been with Jesus? When the alabaster box was broken it filled the house (Matthew 26). There was no denying there was oil in that place. Jesus had been anointed...she poured out a special blessing on Jesus. The oil made her smell just like him. Let's allow the good shepherd to anoint our heads with oil...don't let the little things make you spiritually sick. 


Psalm 23: He Prepares For Me...

Psalms 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Psalms 34:8
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

"He prepares for me"
The shepherd has some things prepared for us since we are his sheep. Sometimes we think when we walk with God everything is suppose to be perfect but this verse shows us that is not so. In the presence of my enemies He has prepared a table for me. As Christians we have many enemies but when I read this verse it made me think about Hannah and her adversary Peninnah (1 Samuel chapter 1). Peninnah was her husbands other wife...that means she was in the presence of her enemy daily! Hannah wanted a baby more than anything. Her adversary had many children. Hannah felt worthless and Penninah sure knew exactly what to do and say to make her feel that way. Her faith in God was weak. She was so troubled she stopped eating. I get like that with the Lord sometimes. I let things others say, do, and have put a seed of discontentment and hurt in my heart. 

God was still good to Hannah even though he hadn't blessed her with a child. Today I am reminded God is still good to me even though he hasn't given me the one thing I want more than anything in the world. Hannah was blinded and didn't see all God had prepared for her. I don't want to be so concerned with the presence of my enemies that I miss out on what He has prepared for me right NOW. Sometimes God says, no. Sometimes He says, not right now. Whatever he's saying just trust him and get all he's got for you right NOW. He just might be preparing you for what you're begging him to give you. You might not be ready to handle that blessing. No matter what's going on around us no one can take away our standing in Christ, no one can take me out of His hand. 
And regardless of what your adversary and enemies might say God has a beautiful plan handwritten just for you! Has your adversary provoked you and made you not want to sit at the Lords table and feast on his goodness? Are you weary because you want something someone else has but God keeps saying no? Are you tired of waiting, praying, trusting? 

Don't let your enemies make you miss out on what God has prepared just for YOU at his table. He's arranged a meal just for you. The word prepare means to make all things ready, to put things in suitable order, to set, to establish, to provide. He wants to meet every need you have. The table is a symbol of fellowship with the Lord. He longs for us to have fellowship with him. The enemy might be close by but don't let that hinder you from sitting at the table and enjoying what He's prepared special for you. Taste and see that He is good!

It's all about focus...will you focus on being in the presence of your enemies? What they're saying, doing or have? Or will you focus on the prepared table from your shepherd. He knows just what each sheep needs! He's a big enough God to meet them all, no matter how big or small. Your adversary might be a "friend", a family member, things of the world, anything that causes you to be blinded by what God has arranged right in front of you. Even in the presence of the world we can still go with God. Don't miss out! Feast on His goodness today. Stay focused!


Psalm 23: He Comforts Me

Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

"He comforts me"
The shepherd carries a rod and a staff with him as he herds the sheep. These tools are used to protect the sheep. The rod and staff mean some things to the sheep. 
The rod --> corrects us. It's a straight stick. The rod was used for chastisement. It is also used for fighting. The shepherd could defend the enemy with the rod. It makes me think of the Word of God. It's our tool to fight against the flesh, world, and Devil. Without the Word we can't make it. 

The staff --> leads us. Something to lean on. The staff was used to draw the sheep back to the shepherd. It is a long thin stick with a hook on the end. The hook was used to pull the sheep away from danger. It makes me think of the Holy Spirit. He whispers peace when we need it, and sometimes he softly says "no" when we are heading toward danger...that is the staff doing its job.

 When going through a valley these can be a comfort. Comfort means: to strengthen, to invigorate, to cheer or to enliven, support. I can look back and remember all the times the rod and staff have helped me make it through valley after valley. Remembering how the Word of God and the Holy Spirit have supported me day by day that comforts my heart through the valley. Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. He never changes so think about how he got you through the other valleys and that'll encourage your heart to believe He will get you through this valley. He can do it again and He will..just believe! Let the rod and staff comfort you today.

"Let God's promises shine on your problems." -Corrie ten Boom


Psalm 23: He is With Me...

Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
1 Peter 1:6
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.

"He is with me" 
Though now for a season if NEED be ye are in heaviness.. That word heaviness means: that which requires great strength to move or overcome; sadness, dullness of spirit; burden. Why would this be needful?? Why would God want us to go through a season of heaviness? In each season something is born and something dies. He has specific times for specific things in each of our lives. Sometimes He has to break us through heavy burdens, broken hearts, and bring us to a place of humility before him.  Sometimes it's time to be in the valley. A valley is a low place between two high places. A valley can be a lonely place, a confusing place, a depressing place, a never ending place, a place where you literally feel like you're going to die. As bad as the valley seems, I've heard it said many times, "It's in the valley where we grow".  It's in the valley we learn our Shepherd is with us! 

When we are in a valley we must believe there is a reason. We also must choose to keep on walking.  In the valley the shepherd can build trust with his sheep. It says "though I walk through the valley...", this valley leads to a new destination, a new height. He doesn't make us go through valleys to hurts us but to help us. 

The valley can give the sheep a new perspective on life. The sheep that walks into the valley is not the same sheep that walks out of the valley and eventually stands on the mountain top. The hard times are where we find out what we're made of, and what our God is made of. We find out He is all he says he is. He's our protection, he's our provider, and he's present every step of the way even in the valley. The journey through the valley can be a beautiful thing if we trust the shepherd knows exactly where he's taking us. 
So don't quit walking. This valley is leading you where He wants you to be. Whatever your valley might be don't let it make you bitter, let it make you better! If he's breaking you it's because he's gonna make something beautiful out of you later on down the road. One day you'll rejoice because of this valley, this season of heaviness. As bad as it hurts, every once in a while a valley is NEEDFUL. 


Psalm 23: He Restores Me...

Psalms 23:3
He restoreth my soul:
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Luke 15:4-5
What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

"He restores me"
Restore: to bring back. To heal. To cure. To turn about. To return. 

The first signs of illness in a sheep is isolation and lack of appetite. The sheep might not know it's sick but the shepherd can see it. I have written in my Bible a quote a man of God said years ago, "He notices the need before the sheep does." Have you lost your appetite for the things of God? Are you feeling alone, isolated from everyone else? Wondering if anyone notices or cares about you? Are you sick? Do you feel like you're not gonna make it another day? Do you have a need that no one else knows about? The good shepherd knows, sees, and cares. He can and wants to restore your soul! He wants to revive your heart, replenish you, refocus your eyes back on him. Above all he longs to restore and re-establish his relationship with you.

 I can't count the times I've prayed and asked God not to give up on me. I can be so stubborn sometimes. There's been many times I have saw something and stopped following the shepherd, left the fold and followed after what's caught my eye. Eventually I look around at where it's brought me and I realize I'm lost, unhappy and alone. When I can't find my way back home all I can do is cry out and my shepherd comes to get me. The verse says he goes after...I'm so glad he goes after me..he searches until I'm found. He's faithful to me not matter how unfaithful I am to him!  He remembers my voice even if we haven't talked in a while. When He found the one lost sheep he rejoiced. He didn't punish it for going astray. He rejoiced because he was able to restore his soul and put him back where he belonged. You and I belong with Jesus. 

And again God reminded me that He does all the work. I can't restore myself. I can't fix myself. I can't heal myself. I can't but He can. Restorations are his thing.  He can take a lost, sick, broken sheep and touch it and restore it to what it was before. Sometimes the restoration is even better than the original! When we do our own thing there will be scars but our good shepherd will not throw us away. He is willing to leave the 99 and search for you..just call out to him. When we're too weak to stand He cares enough to come to where we are and restore us. Without restoration there'd be no relationship. The shepherd loves to have a relationship with his sheep. As silly as that may seem. He wants me. He wants you. That's why he's gone through so much trouble, so much pain, done so much he could have YOU. So he could restore your soul. 

"Though I fail the Lord, He has never failed me. He's been everything and more than he said he would be..."


Psalm 23: He Leads Me...

Psalms 23:2,3b
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters. ...He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

"He leads me..."
I'm still so thankful He is the good shepherd and he's mine! He doesn't leave me and the other sheep out in the field alone to fend for ourselves, or expect us to know the right way to go on this journey. He gently leads us. Sometimes I feel so lost, confused and just unsure of the right way I should take. Just like when the sheep are scared and confused of what's going on they can run to the shepherd where it's safe, I can also get close to Jesus and he can lead me. Like I said yesterday sheep can hear really well so the shepherd knows he must speak softly and quietly. He never wants to scare them. We must listen for that soft, still voice. God never screams; His voice is always calm. 

One thing I've learned through life is God wants the best for his children. Wherever he leads might not make sense but eventually everything will work out and you and I can look back and say God did know exactly what He was doing and he did have a plan! He gets glory out of that. Through his leading in the paths of righteousness He is magnified. The Lord will always lead us in the paths of righteousness...the right way, the prosperous way, the successful way. I heard a preacher say, "Success outside the will of God is failure." God gives success to those who let Him do the leading. If success is what you're after just follow the leader! 
All I am is a little, dumb sheep. On my own the enemy will devour me before I even know what's happening. Yet this loving shepherd wants to walk along side of me and lead me throughout this crazy life. The least I can do is follow. The least I can do is let His sweet name be magnified through my tiny insignificant life! Wherever the shepherd is: there is direction and safety. Follow where he leads. Trust his guiding hand. No sheep has ever been sorry for following where the good shepherd leads. 

As the old song says, "He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me; His faithful foll’wer I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me.


Psalm 23: He makes me...

Psalms 23:2
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures...

"He makes me..."
Sheep are very fearful animals. They have great hearing so the slightest noise can scare them and fill them with anxieties. Sheep can sleep standing up or lying down. It is said that sheep will not lie down if they do not feel safe or if there is division among the herd. Even sheep have quarrels. They get jealous of each other. They constantly fight for a certain position in the herd. Hierarchy exists even among the sheep. It's only when they are in the shepherd's presence do they stop competing against one another. The shepherd brings perspective and peace. 

One writer said the sheep lying down to sleep was a sign of "quiet contentment". It says, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. That word pastures means, home or pleasant place..a place suitable for the sheep. The shepherd will let you rest in the safest places. This sheep is completely satisfied to lie down in green pastures. It's not hungry, it's not fearful, its not fighting the other sheep, it's content to rest where the shepherd has gently led it. 

The shepherd has done the necessary work so we can have rest. Look to the shepherd and find contentment in him and just rest in the green pasture he's placed you in. 


Psalm 23: The Lord is MY Shepherd

Psalms 23:1​ 
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

John 10:11 
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

I've been studying about the duties of a shepherd. It says He is MY shepherd..I'm so thankful He is a personal God! A shepherd is a person who tends, herds, feeds, and guards herds of sheep. 

Tend: to be attentive to. To hold and take care of. To watch. To guard.--> My shepherd pays attention to me. He holds me safe in his arms when I don't think I can go on. He cares for me and he takes care of me. John 10:3 tells us He knows his sheep by name. I've never been around sheep but I have seen a few..they all look alike! The good shepherd is so acquainted with his sheep that he knows each one's name and knows exactly what each one needs. 
Herd: to unite. To form or put into a herd.--> I was walking alone before I met the good shepherd. I was a nobody headed nowhere. Once He found me and saved me, He put me in His herd. He unites us. As sheep of his fold we have the shepherd but we also have each other! We are not alone! When I lose my way He comes and finds me, picks me up, puts me on his shoulders and carries me back to the fold. 
Feed: to supply w/ provisions. To give food to. To nourish. To supply fuel.--> he supports me. He's faithful to feed me so I can grow. Without food or nourishment the sheep will become weak, more vulnerably than they already are and eventually die. 
Guard: to secure against injury, loss, or attack; to protect. To keep in safety.--> as long as the sheep stay with the good shepherd and keep following where He leads, the sheep will be safe. When dangers come the shepherd always protects his sheep...he's even willing to risk his own life. David fought (and killed) a bear and a lion to save ONE little sheep. The good shepherd, Jesus gave his life willingly for the sheep. 
Just a reminder that YOU, little sheep matter greatly to the shepherd. He goes through great measures to provide, keep, protect, and care for you. 
The Lord is MY shepherd and because of that everything is going to be okay!

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