

Psalm 23: He is With Me...

Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
1 Peter 1:6
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations.

"He is with me" 
Though now for a season if NEED be ye are in heaviness.. That word heaviness means: that which requires great strength to move or overcome; sadness, dullness of spirit; burden. Why would this be needful?? Why would God want us to go through a season of heaviness? In each season something is born and something dies. He has specific times for specific things in each of our lives. Sometimes He has to break us through heavy burdens, broken hearts, and bring us to a place of humility before him.  Sometimes it's time to be in the valley. A valley is a low place between two high places. A valley can be a lonely place, a confusing place, a depressing place, a never ending place, a place where you literally feel like you're going to die. As bad as the valley seems, I've heard it said many times, "It's in the valley where we grow".  It's in the valley we learn our Shepherd is with us! 

When we are in a valley we must believe there is a reason. We also must choose to keep on walking.  In the valley the shepherd can build trust with his sheep. It says "though I walk through the valley...", this valley leads to a new destination, a new height. He doesn't make us go through valleys to hurts us but to help us. 

The valley can give the sheep a new perspective on life. The sheep that walks into the valley is not the same sheep that walks out of the valley and eventually stands on the mountain top. The hard times are where we find out what we're made of, and what our God is made of. We find out He is all he says he is. He's our protection, he's our provider, and he's present every step of the way even in the valley. The journey through the valley can be a beautiful thing if we trust the shepherd knows exactly where he's taking us. 
So don't quit walking. This valley is leading you where He wants you to be. Whatever your valley might be don't let it make you bitter, let it make you better! If he's breaking you it's because he's gonna make something beautiful out of you later on down the road. One day you'll rejoice because of this valley, this season of heaviness. As bad as it hurts, every once in a while a valley is NEEDFUL. 

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