

Psalm 23: He Leads Me...

Psalms 23:2,3b
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters. ...He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

"He leads me..."
I'm still so thankful He is the good shepherd and he's mine! He doesn't leave me and the other sheep out in the field alone to fend for ourselves, or expect us to know the right way to go on this journey. He gently leads us. Sometimes I feel so lost, confused and just unsure of the right way I should take. Just like when the sheep are scared and confused of what's going on they can run to the shepherd where it's safe, I can also get close to Jesus and he can lead me. Like I said yesterday sheep can hear really well so the shepherd knows he must speak softly and quietly. He never wants to scare them. We must listen for that soft, still voice. God never screams; His voice is always calm. 

One thing I've learned through life is God wants the best for his children. Wherever he leads might not make sense but eventually everything will work out and you and I can look back and say God did know exactly what He was doing and he did have a plan! He gets glory out of that. Through his leading in the paths of righteousness He is magnified. The Lord will always lead us in the paths of righteousness...the right way, the prosperous way, the successful way. I heard a preacher say, "Success outside the will of God is failure." God gives success to those who let Him do the leading. If success is what you're after just follow the leader! 
All I am is a little, dumb sheep. On my own the enemy will devour me before I even know what's happening. Yet this loving shepherd wants to walk along side of me and lead me throughout this crazy life. The least I can do is follow. The least I can do is let His sweet name be magnified through my tiny insignificant life! Wherever the shepherd is: there is direction and safety. Follow where he leads. Trust his guiding hand. No sheep has ever been sorry for following where the good shepherd leads. 

As the old song says, "He leadeth me, He leadeth me, By His own hand He leadeth me; His faithful foll’wer I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me.

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