

Psalm 23: He Prepares For Me...

Psalms 23:5
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Psalms 34:8
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

"He prepares for me"
The shepherd has some things prepared for us since we are his sheep. Sometimes we think when we walk with God everything is suppose to be perfect but this verse shows us that is not so. In the presence of my enemies He has prepared a table for me. As Christians we have many enemies but when I read this verse it made me think about Hannah and her adversary Peninnah (1 Samuel chapter 1). Peninnah was her husbands other wife...that means she was in the presence of her enemy daily! Hannah wanted a baby more than anything. Her adversary had many children. Hannah felt worthless and Penninah sure knew exactly what to do and say to make her feel that way. Her faith in God was weak. She was so troubled she stopped eating. I get like that with the Lord sometimes. I let things others say, do, and have put a seed of discontentment and hurt in my heart. 

God was still good to Hannah even though he hadn't blessed her with a child. Today I am reminded God is still good to me even though he hasn't given me the one thing I want more than anything in the world. Hannah was blinded and didn't see all God had prepared for her. I don't want to be so concerned with the presence of my enemies that I miss out on what He has prepared for me right NOW. Sometimes God says, no. Sometimes He says, not right now. Whatever he's saying just trust him and get all he's got for you right NOW. He just might be preparing you for what you're begging him to give you. You might not be ready to handle that blessing. No matter what's going on around us no one can take away our standing in Christ, no one can take me out of His hand. 
And regardless of what your adversary and enemies might say God has a beautiful plan handwritten just for you! Has your adversary provoked you and made you not want to sit at the Lords table and feast on his goodness? Are you weary because you want something someone else has but God keeps saying no? Are you tired of waiting, praying, trusting? 

Don't let your enemies make you miss out on what God has prepared just for YOU at his table. He's arranged a meal just for you. The word prepare means to make all things ready, to put things in suitable order, to set, to establish, to provide. He wants to meet every need you have. The table is a symbol of fellowship with the Lord. He longs for us to have fellowship with him. The enemy might be close by but don't let that hinder you from sitting at the table and enjoying what He's prepared special for you. Taste and see that He is good!

It's all about focus...will you focus on being in the presence of your enemies? What they're saying, doing or have? Or will you focus on the prepared table from your shepherd. He knows just what each sheep needs! He's a big enough God to meet them all, no matter how big or small. Your adversary might be a "friend", a family member, things of the world, anything that causes you to be blinded by what God has arranged right in front of you. Even in the presence of the world we can still go with God. Don't miss out! Feast on His goodness today. Stay focused!

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