

Psalm 23: The Lord is MY Shepherd

Psalms 23:1​ 
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

John 10:11 
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

I've been studying about the duties of a shepherd. It says He is MY shepherd..I'm so thankful He is a personal God! A shepherd is a person who tends, herds, feeds, and guards herds of sheep. 

Tend: to be attentive to. To hold and take care of. To watch. To guard.--> My shepherd pays attention to me. He holds me safe in his arms when I don't think I can go on. He cares for me and he takes care of me. John 10:3 tells us He knows his sheep by name. I've never been around sheep but I have seen a few..they all look alike! The good shepherd is so acquainted with his sheep that he knows each one's name and knows exactly what each one needs. 
Herd: to unite. To form or put into a herd.--> I was walking alone before I met the good shepherd. I was a nobody headed nowhere. Once He found me and saved me, He put me in His herd. He unites us. As sheep of his fold we have the shepherd but we also have each other! We are not alone! When I lose my way He comes and finds me, picks me up, puts me on his shoulders and carries me back to the fold. 
Feed: to supply w/ provisions. To give food to. To nourish. To supply fuel.--> he supports me. He's faithful to feed me so I can grow. Without food or nourishment the sheep will become weak, more vulnerably than they already are and eventually die. 
Guard: to secure against injury, loss, or attack; to protect. To keep in safety.--> as long as the sheep stay with the good shepherd and keep following where He leads, the sheep will be safe. When dangers come the shepherd always protects his sheep...he's even willing to risk his own life. David fought (and killed) a bear and a lion to save ONE little sheep. The good shepherd, Jesus gave his life willingly for the sheep. 
Just a reminder that YOU, little sheep matter greatly to the shepherd. He goes through great measures to provide, keep, protect, and care for you. 
The Lord is MY shepherd and because of that everything is going to be okay!

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